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  1. M

    Did I ruin this soap?

    I heard there's less chance of lye heavy soap with HP. I won't be doing zap tests again for medical reasons just don't want to worry about lye and when soap is safe to use. The one I made yesterday, it was fully hardened quickly and I had already used it to wash hands to check it, it was...
  2. M

    Did I ruin this soap?

    Wasn't bad, I enjoyed the process. I was cooking it outside sitting the backyard and checking on the soap every 15 minutes. It's no different from cooking a dinner. I don't have capacity to cure cold process soap properly because of travels and relocation. I like that most of the lye gets to...
  3. M

    Did I ruin this soap?

    I'd say there was a marked change in the look and texture at about 3 hours in when it started to solidify into smooth even-looking substance (that's when I thought here I have the soap, finally, just the gut feeling). Until then it seemed like grainy sauce, and I wondered if I'd end up with...
  4. M

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    No joke about the harshness of that soap, I got a bottle of liquid one earlier but ended up using it all as and laundry soap, even though it's not cheap. Skin wasn't very happy. I used solid bar Baby Castile later though and it felt very gentle on skin, ended up using it for a while...
  5. M

    Did I ruin this soap?

    I see. Oddly, I was getting that strong immediate burn until about 4 hours in, also, the soap was burning more sensitive skin above my hands until then. Initially the mix had sort of like tiny grains texture, it took hours before it evened out, this happened when it got to late mashed potato...
  6. M

    Did I ruin this soap?

    I kept getting quite a strong zap until about 4 hours of cook time, even after I ramped up the temps. Water bath being 2 thick-bottom pots I think definitely limited heating, but initially I thought I was supposed to cook it at 100F which is quite a low temp. I'm about to head out on a year long...
  7. M

    Lye test - No immediate zap, but spicy/tingling sensation to the tongue

    So is there an alternative? I'm not well today after doing zap tests, already having medical issue affecting the mouth. I guess for simple stuff like I plan to do can just stick to already tested recipe and observing reaching vaseline stage.
  8. M

    Did I ruin this soap?

    Yes, sure, they were completely dissolved and the water used was very warm I did not use stick blender, I don't have one/don't plan to with all the constant relocations and travel I'm doing, I did it old school, mixing by hand and I did quite a bit of mixing. The oil seemed to be tracing OK...
  9. M

    Soaps causing skin problem on hands

    I can not use most commercially produced soaps, but from Dr Bronner's line I am able to tolerate their Baby Castile soap just fine. It lacks any essential oils (culprit that can cause a reaction, for me most of them just cause skin burning sensation) and perhaps it's milder and less alkaline...
  10. M

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    "Natural" store-bought toothpaste gave me permanent health damage, it look me years of using homemade toothpaste to be able to eat normally again or be able to have a dental procedure. I make my toothpaste for many years using the same recipe: mix equal parts of clay and calcium carbonate, add...
  11. M

    Lye test - No immediate zap, but spicy/tingling sensation to the tongue

    Yes, very likely it's essential oils. Earlier in life I had developed bad reaction to any kind of essential oil after heavy use of both "natural" cinnamon toothpaste and bee propolis, my mouth and tongue never been the same, it's incurable. One should be careful applying any essential oils in...
  12. M

    Did I ruin this soap?

    This is my first attempt at making soap. Trying to make bar soap. I had used 15 ounces of coconut oil, 2 ounces of lye crystals and 4 ounces of water. I had mixed them when warm, somewhat higher than 100F. It went through gel, applesauce and mushed potato stages, as I cooked it on water bath...