In my experience, you cannot generalize about FOs. No supplier has consistently good FOs across the board. Lye is unforgiving, at times, and can morph or fade the most delightful fragrances OOB.
Some low cost suppliers (AHRE, Peak Candle) have great scents just as higher priced suppliers like BB, TSW, and WSP.
If you limit yourself to suppliers that ship in bottles, you will have increasingly few options. As has been mentioned previously, you can transfer them to amber glass. Speaking of, although I find most of WSP's stuff priced too high, purchasing glass bottles from them is actually pretty cost effective because of the "free shipping." At least it used to be; I haven't checked prices recently.
I have moved over to EOs primarily and can get a good array of fragrances to blend at prices between $20-30 per pound. Lavender and patchouli are more, of course, but I don't use them straight, so they are not too expensive. That said, I hear mint has gone up a lot recently. I buy EO from a variety of suppliers: NDA, Camden Grey, Liberty Natural, 1 Raw Plant, Adobe Soapworks, and the Perfumery. FOs: I like AHRE, Candle Science, Peak, TSW and Southern Soapers (currently being reborn under the name Soapalooza). I don't order enough from BB to justify the shipping.