I am so lucky I can go to Los Angeles and purchase shea by the box. No shipping and approx $75 for a 23-25 lb box which is higher per lb but no shipping, so it actually comes out about the same as I pay. Jedwards does have decent pricing on bulk shea. Amd anytime you buy bulk and what to sell off let me knowI got this from jedwards by Lin19687's recommendation. It's nice stuff! The shipping was a bit high, I think $55, but even with shipping it came out to be the better deal compared to Soapers Choice and ED (compared both with shipping). 44# is more than I'll reasonably use in a year (unless my business suddenly decides to 3x itself) so I did sell 10# on FB at $5 per lb, which pretty much paid for the shipping for me and still left me with 34#.