I ordered at 2 am and it has been showing pending shipment for days. I posted on their Facebook page and an hour later my package has shipped and I have my tracking #. Shouldn't be too long before i get my stuff as I am in Michigan
My order was shipped on January 2nd, which was faster than I expected since I placed my order mid-afternoon on December 30th. The tracking number isn't working, so no idea when I'll actually receive it.
The "mystery" shipping cost applied to my order after the fact turned out to be equal to 80% of the total I paid after the 20% discount for international orders was applied wtf:?!), and that's before I get hit with duty and taxes at the door. It looks like my love affair with WSP is coming to an end. :cry:
I got mine too- it was like Christmas all over again!! wish I had a chance to play around with them tonight but have a couple of orders to fill. Can't wait to experiment with my new stuff. All of mine was there except three items I knew were back ordered.
My box arrived a few hours ago. Already made some Doggie Shampoo & love the base!!!! Tomorrow I want to experiment with the Urban Cowboy. I would say it is milder than Perfect Man but very similar.
I got my order on Jan. 8th - not bad for international shipping. They shipped it with USPS instead of UPS (which is why I couldn't figure out the tracking number) and I didn't get charged any duty or taxes when I picked it up at the post office, so the total amount was slightly less painful than it could have been.
I just found out that I'm within driving distance to NDA, so I'm planning to switch to them as a supplier for as many items as I can to save the shipping, but I might still order fragrance oils from WSP that NDA don't carry. Or I could stop acquiring an excessive amount of fragrance oils, but that's probably not going to happen. :shh:
I got my order Tuesday and I placed another last night for the long silicone mold I wanted!! I finally got sick of lining with freezer paper.. I hope it gets here quickly!