Supporting Member
Thanks for the help!
I just ordered a few colorants from Mad Oils since they have free shipping through summer. I was looking at their FO's and just couldn't decide which ones I should get.
I'm pretty open to most scents and am really trying to get a good overall collection going of both foodie and fresher scents. I've been really wanting to dip my feet in the sandalwood and woodsy/herby scents too. I love the smell of mens cologne. I've been a little wary of the spice scents just cause I have never been a fan but I really want to get a good pumpkin.
Decisions decisions! And I only have 6 more hours until the sale starts. EEK!
When Mad Oils gets their Pumpkin Bread back in stock later this summer... get some. It's wonderful! It smells just like pumpkin bread. I'm jealously guarding my last bar from last year and bring it out to sniff at least once a week.