Wow, didn't expect that!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2014
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, VA
So I made soap on Saturday. Unmolded yesterday and this is what I saw:
ImageUploadedBySoap Making1397473109.148017.jpg

I cut into it and was surprised by what I saw. Let that piece sit overnight and cut another this morning and here's what we have:
ImageUploadedBySoap Making1397473181.713250.jpg

So last nights piece did morph a little overnight (on the left) so hopefully they will eventually match the vibrancy of the outside??
This was colored with lab colors btw. As a former hot process gal all of these unexpected results with cold process amaze me. Haha!
sooo pretty!! I use natural colours, but I do find that exposure to oxygen and curing does change colours a bit.
Wow, that is quite the difference. I've not had that drastic of a difference in my soaps with bright color. Maybe they will change some with a bit of time. Very pretty though.
Thanks! My husband says the inside looks like a sunset. Everyone says the inside is even pretty, it's just now what I was expecting.
Can I shower with this beauty????? I'd make a display cabinet with such soaps!!!!!! Good that I so far make only Melt and pour! Lol

Great job!

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