Would you do this ?

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Ziplining is on my want to try list. The only thing I need to be cautious of is anything that would put any kind of stress on my neck. With a deteriorating disk, I don't need any kind of "violent" motion.

Now, if only I could get my husband to come with me.
It sure looks like a lot fun, but nope, not me. Maybe when I was 20-something, but I'm a little bit more protective of myself these days.

IrishLass :)
I'd need a couple of mind-numbing drinks first, then, "yes". I mean, life is short; death is sure. Might not be a bad way to leave the planet. Great headline in the obits section of the newpaper. Senior citizen leaves roller coaster life by roller coaster ziplining to her ultimate death due to heart failure. :eek:
Ziplining is on my want to try list. The only thing I need to be cautious of is anything that would put any kind of stress on my neck. With a deteriorating disk, I don't need any kind of "violent" motion.

Now, if only I could get my husband to come with me.
I haven’t done the roller coaster one but did the regular zip line in the tree line. It’s fun but there are jolts and you spin around. You don’t have much, if any, control.
I worry about the bumpy parts and the back problems. Ziplines often look much "worse" (meaning bumpier/scarier) than they are. I did the world's longest zipline in Alaska and it was amazing. MUCH gentler than it appears.
The screamers are just that, screamers and would scream if they skid on ice lol

It does look a bit too bumpy for me. I would do one about 1/2 as bumpy............ but at my age would have to wear a pad and numb up my lower back due to the bumps ;)

I don't do roller-coasters but this is cool