I think it would be cool if all of us with fibromyalgia, autoimmune stuff, inherited stuff, etc, that can't get individual insurance affordably, would form a "group" and see if we can get a good group rate instead. lol
I finally got to look at some of the health plans available here and for one that covers my doctor and my meds that I need at a decent copay and out of pocket max, after the subsidies and tax credits, would have a premium of $411 monthly. geez. Sure, it's less than I'm paying out of pocket for my prescriptions, but still.
That's what the "Affordable Care" costs after subsidies... those who don't get subsidies are looking at a premium of almost $1k. Craziness.
I still couldn't get signed up on the website. My app is approved, but it won't take me to the health plans. I'm gonna have to call on the phone on Monday for that I guess. I think if I add hubby on the plan, he could cancel his existing private insurance which is costing him $600 a month for less coverage, and then this plan would be much more affordable.
So many people keep asking me, why don't I go on disability instead of trying to work with all my illnesses. Before I told them I'd go crazy sitting around at home all day, and I like to pull my own weight, although, I realize I have been paying IN to that fund for years... but there's just this "stigma" associated with being on disability when you're so young, in the way people look at you. Like the way they look at me when I use the disabled parking spots or the electric shopping carts. I'm sure you know the look. *sigh*
And also, it would cut my current income in half to do that... but at this point, I might actually save money by not working, instead of continuing to try and struggle through and putting myself in the hospital several times a year. If I figure in the extra O2 I have to buy, the transportation to and from work, since I can't drive myself, the extra meds I have to take to make it through a work-day. Actually, I'd just about break even if I went on disability instead. And I'd be healthier and stay out of the hospital easier too, which would be a definite money-saver. lol
I have no idea what I'd do at home all day though. Hmmmm *ponders*