Wow thank you so much for the tips! My scale is digital but it does vary ever so slightly. I weighed a quarter which us supposed to weigh .2 oz and I got the weights of .2 .19 and .21. Should I bump up my SF just in case?
just to be safer, yes, bump up the SF. set the lye calc to 1% and still add 5% butters at the end, so you end up with 6%. if your batch is bigger, i wouldn't worry, but it is a small batch and the calculations can differ only so slightly.
Oh and you mentioned sodium lactate. I don't have that but isn't it in milk? Could I add small amount for the same affect?
i don't think so. it ain't going to have the same effect as far as i understand. don't worry about sodium lactate. if you are doing full water and doing your SF separately after the cook, i reckon you'll end up with a workable batter.
oh, and with the pic of the recipe i posted before, i did it in grams, and i rounded it up. you can still do it in ounces of course, and run it again with the calc. don't forget to adjust the SF amount to 1% first, and put the weight of the oils as 15.2 oz. this number comes from 16 oz (1 lbs) x 0.05 (your SF amount after the cook which is 5%) = 0.8
then you subtract 16 with 0.8 = 15.2 oz
yikes, i ain't good with math at all. i hope and pray that the calculation above is right. please please do double check with someone who is better at math