Will this pine tar CP soap recipe work?

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Jul 18, 2024
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I've done quite a bit of research on pine tar soap and plan to make my first batch soon but am still a bit nervous! Will this recipe work? I plan on using my recipe with the technique/method Elly's Everyday Soap Making pine tar video shows.
I read through a bunch of threads on here and one person said their pine tar soap took like 8 months to cure and become solid. This will be for a customer so I'm hoping the sodium lactate + decreasing the olive oil will help it to be a harder bar and stick to the regular 4-6 week cure time. Did I replace 10% of the oils with the pine tar correctly? (I also read on here to replace 10% of the oil with pine tar to keep your base recipe)

My base recipe is typically:

15 ounces olive oil
11 ounces palm oil
8 ounces coconut oil

4.7 ounces lye
11.2 ounces water

To alter this for a pine tar soap, can I do:
11.5 ounces olive oil
3.5 ounces pine tar
11 ounces palm oil
8 ounces coconut oil

4.7 ounces lye
11.2 ounces water
3 teaspoons sodium lactate

Any and all info or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you. I find extreme value in the threads and info I've found here and greatly appreciate this site.
Hi there,

I like using the Elly's Everyday pine tar method, as well. Very stress-free. :) I actually use 20% pine tar, but starting with 10% is probably a better idea for your first batch.

One question, did you run your revised recipe through a soap calculator? You must do that any time you change any of the oils, because each oil requires a different amount of lye to saponify.

When I put your recipe into the calculator, at 5% superfat, it would only need 4.5oz of NaOH, not 4.7. You didn't mention the superfat, so that was a guess on my part. Assuming I was correct, you can see why it is so important to use the calculator every time. :)
Hi there,

I like using the Elly's Everyday pine tar method, as well. Very stress-free. :) I actually use 20% pine tar, but starting with 10% is probably a better idea for your first batch.

One question, did you run your revised recipe through a soap calculator? You must do that any time you change any of the oils, because each oil requires a different amount of lye to saponify.

When I put your recipe into the calculator, at 5% superfat, it would only need 4.5oz of NaOH, not 4.7. You didn't mention the superfat, so that was a guess on my part. Assuming I was correct, you can see why it is so important to use the calculator every time. :)
Thank you for your help! Do I just plug my oils in for the lye calculator and I dont plug in the pine tar, right? So I'll just plug in 11.5 ounces olive oil, 11 ounces palm oil, and 8 ounces coconut oil, and 11.2 ounces water, and then use the lye amount it gives me?

Is 3.5 ounces of pine tar a correct amount for this recipe? I appreciate your help!
Hi there,

I like using the Elly's Everyday pine tar method, as well. Very stress-free. :) I actually use 20% pine tar, but starting with 10% is probably a better idea for your first batch.

One question, did you run your revised recipe through a soap calculator? You must do that any time you change any of the oils, because each oil requires a different amount of lye to saponify.

When I put your recipe into the calculator, at 5% superfat, it would only need 4.5oz of NaOH, not 4.7. You didn't mention the superfat, so that was a guess on my part. Assuming I was correct, you can see why it is so important to use the calculator every time. :)
Edited to add, I used the Soap Friend calculator and the recipe is

11.5 ounces olive oil
11 ounces palm oil
8 ounces coconut oil
3.5 ounces pine tar

8.7 ounces water
4.35 ounces lye

Do you think this would make a good soap that will be able to be cured in the regular 4-6 week cure time? Thanks again.
Last edited:
Edited to add, I used the Soap Friend calculator and the recipe is

11.5 ounces olive oil
11 ounces palm oil
8 ounces coconut oil
3.5 ounces pine tar

8.7 ounces water
4.35 ounces lye

Do you think this would make a good soap that will be able to be cured in the regular 4-6 week cure time? Thanks again.
Sure, it looks like it would be fine. :)

As an aside, please be sure to include the superfat number whenever you provide a recipe. Without that, we don't really know whether the amount of lye you have listed is correct. ;)
Sure, it looks like it would be fine. :)

As an aside, please be sure to include the superfat number whenever you provide a recipe. Without that, we don't really know whether the amount of lye you have listed is correct. ;)
Thanks! Have a good day!

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