Why do you prefer HP or CP?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2009
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I have several questions on why others choose what they do and this is the start of my series of questions!~ :)

Each HP or CP soaping has benefits--Which do you prefer and for WHAT reason??

To me, I have done CP strictly because I am new and I haven't decided to try HP. Both have to have similar cure times....so end use time is irrelevant. I will be trying HP to make the lovely shave soap from one of these threads.
I much prefer CP because its easier to get in the molds and it looks better to me. I don't usually like the looks of HP. HP also fails more often for me and I've ruined the scent more with HP. Now I only HP if necessary, like my shaving soap or liquid soap.
I like HP because I'm impatient. The saponification is complete when I put it in the mold. As soon as it is cool enough, I can use it. That doesn't mean it's the best or mildest, but if I do a quick sample batch, that can tide me over until my CP batches do their full cures. I like CP because it gives a nice smooth finish to the bar. My HP bars are always very "rustic" looking.
CP - I can't get past the look of HP and how little I can do with it design wise.
I'm sure some can do great things with it but it was just too much work for the dozen or so I tried.
You can do more artistically with CP, but HP lets you control the superfat, and allows you to use accelerating scents without worry, as well as having its own aesthetic
I use both, mainly because I can SF a particular oil or butter in HP. In my experience, HP uses less fragrance oil ppo, so I can use up odds and ends.
I like CP because of the design capability. Even though I can make HP fluid enough to do ITP or hanger swirls, they never look as good as CP.
They both have their advantages and disadvantages, but for me, the advantages of CP are far more to my liking than those of HP. That's not to say I never HP, though. Basically, I'm a CP girl who does HP only when absolutely necessary, such as when I make my shaving soap which has a high amount of stearic, or when I am working with one of my rare ornery FOs that doesn't take very kindly to being CP'ed.

I prefer doing CP because:

1) It goes quicker for me with much less hassle (i.e., I don't have to stand around watching a pot or adjusting liquid levels if the batter starts getting too dry as it's cooking, etc..). Not that those things are difficult, mind you, but most times, I just don't have the time to futz around;

2) I can color my soap much easier, and am also able to utilize several kinds of swirling designs/techniques that are impossible for me to do in HP;

3) And my bars look so much smoother/streamlined, and they do not warp during cure like my HP batches are prone to doing.

IrishLass :)
I like both. For ornate bars, I choose CP but I like HP for "plain" bars because I find that they use less fragrance and come out (often times) just as nice.

I started w/ HP because I was under the impression that you could use it immediately. Now I know it benefits from just as long a cure time. But, I like that I can touch the soap after its cooked. And I don't burn myself with lye (I can get crazy with the CP soap piping and batter seems to go everywhere!)

I find it is more difficult to clean up after making CP because everything has raw soap batter on it. With HP, sometimes I clean my other dishes with my soapy leftovers. It's a trade off.
I ditto much of what has been said about both HP AND CO. I also think that there is more room for error in CP soaping (volcanoes and such). With HP, it feels like a more controlled process to me. I can tell if something is wrong right away and I can make adjustments during the cooking process. Once it goes in the mold, I know that I have made a good batch. No surprises the next day.

Having said all of that, I usually employ the CP, simply because it's faster. I only HP to rebatch an or to correct a CP batch that is going awry (e.g. Separating in the mold).
I like CP because i cant make a good looking HP to save my life. I almost always overcook and then get little hard bits of soap in my soap. I have to glop it into the mold because i can never keep it smooth enough (again overcooking).

Same with rebatch soap, never comes out looking like anything I'd put my name on and sell.

On the other hand, I make fine liquid soap, shaving soap, and cream soap. Although they are HP they are much more forgiving.
HP is nice if you want soap to set up in a hurry, or don't have enough fragrance for CP or want to use a fragrance thats a butt to work with. But overall I prefer CP for the look and control.
I love them both! HP isn't the prettiest thing in the world, but can't be beat for the speed and control over SF, as well as necessity when working with high temp melters like stearic acid.
Cold process offers more control over color, and the appearance can't be beat, but man oh man, does that cure time kill me. Want to use soap now, now, now, now now! :)
I tend to hp more than cp at the moment, mainly because I don't mind how the bars look so saving on scent and having control over the superfat are handy indeed. That said, I don't always go for a specific superfat, but often hp anyway as the cleanup is easier and unmoulding & cutting can be done sooner, too.
I like the creativity and challenge of CP--the colors and swirls excite me. But I absolutely won't CP with troublesome FOs. That's when I love HP.
I CPOP at low temps--just enough heat to keep things warm and coax the soap to gell--and my eo/fo goes right into the oils before the lye solution. With CPOP I can use a higher water discount and have a soap that's safe to "play with" the next day. I was never able to get an HP soap to look good. My LS is always HP--it's so much easier dissolving the warm paste into warm water. And lately I've been playing around with transparent soap, which I HP.
I like CP because I can do more color swirls and techniques with it. HP always dries out too much on cure for me and ends up being concave in the middle of the bar. HP also looks too chunky and not smooth for my taste.
Oh I forgot that one - clean up with HP is SO much easier. Its all soap by that time and you just put the crockpot and utensils in the sink. Love that part too.

I tend to hp more than cp at the moment, mainly because I don't mind how the bars look so saving on scent and having control over the superfat are handy indeed. That said, I don't always go for a specific superfat, but often hp anyway as the cleanup is easier and unmoulding & cutting can be done sooner, too.