Well-Known Member
Well after three years of soaping I finally had a bad batch - and it went bad with a bang! I was making an OMH soap for my mother. The badness started when I was blending the soap with my stick blender. After mixing, I put the blender in the little plastic cup thing that came with it. Somehow I ended up knocking it over as I was moving my hand away (and my glove came off too, not sure how that happened). The stickblender fell onto the counter and floor, splashing soap batter on my counters, floor, sweatshirt and pants. I got a bit on my ungloved hand but didn't really feel it. I stripped down quickly and got the vinegar out to clean up. Once that was done I finished the soap and poured it into my wood mold. I mentioned I was making an OMH soap right? Major overheat! oops. It started off with a crack that developed only after about 15 min in the mold. i could see the gel phase going hot and strong so decided to move the mold into the garage which is nice and cold and there is no room in my fridge. When I checked on it a few hours later it looked like I stopped gel and would end up with partial gel. I was very frustrated at this point. Today I unmolded and cut to find an oozing pocket that extended the entire length of the log. I didn't add any fragrance and there was oozing liquid so directly into the crockpot it went. So now I get my first shot at rebatching. Overall it was a disaster. But hey, we don't learn if we don't make mistakes right? I think I'll stick with hot processing OMH soaps from now on.