whipped lip butter

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Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
New Mexico
I have made a couple lip balms, one was pretty hard but that's was okay because I put it in a tube. I wanted one with a little more sheen, so I cut down on wax and followed another recipe but used what ingredients I had on hand to substitute, that one came out hard in the tin also, but had good gloss to it, which is what i wanted. I'm happy with both, but I was wondering, does anyone know how to make a spreadable, whipped lip butter? I really love the consistency of a whipped body butter I made recently and thought it'd be neat to make that in a lip butter. Does anyone have any recipes that I could follow for this? I'd like to use ingredients I have on hand and those are ~ mango butter, avocado butter, cocoa butter, shea butter, sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and yellow beeswax. I also have tapioca starch if that would be needed, I don't know if it would. Thanks so much!
I'm not 100% on this, but you may want to look up a recipe for lip gloss..but then you'll probably need a little bottle with a roller tube. It may also work if you just use soft butters and leave out the waxes and oils. Hopefully someone else will come along that knows more about this than I do, but good luck!
Hihi... Based on a personal experience, you need not really whip alot to get it real soft and easily apply. i use the same recipe for all my lip balm, but for softer texture, i use the milk whisk to whisk the oil before putting into the tin... the whisk oil was too abit soft to stay in tube so i use tin instead. so maybe u can try to whish it abit, just to soften the oil...