Which courier to use?

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Active Member
Oct 14, 2013
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Hi everyone, I am new to this forum. Can anyone tell me if I want to send small amount of product, say one or two soaps. which courier is cheaper? I live in Canada.

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No, I just bumped this to bring it up to the top of "Today's Posts" in the hope that a Canadian member would see it. Not everyone is on the forum every day so in a few days, posts can get buried by new posts or active threads. This is just a suggestion - you can bump your own post if you don't get a reply in a couple of days. Then hopefully, someone who knows the answer will see it. Also, you may have to bump it twice since some people only come on about once a week. Hard to believe... :shock:
It depends on where you are shipping to, how much your parcel weighs and its dimensions. I don't ship many parcels out but I would think Canada Post would be more cost effective if shipping within Canada than other couriers. Perhaps other soapers who ship items out on a regular basis will know better.

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Hazel, thanks for bumping me! It's good to know now :D

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Tizzy and Jenny, thank you for your advice. I guess I will use Canada post for now :)

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I am going to bump this again. Do Canadian soapers have a secret to reasonable shipping costs from Canada Post? I sent a 15g deodorant stick to Quebec today in small padded envelope and the cheapest rate was over $13. I thought that was quite ridiculous. Sure I expected it to go as a parcel because it's fatter than a letter, but it's LIGHT. What does it cost to send one or two bars of soap? Seems to me it would be tough to sell online.
I do my postage online to see the cheapest rate. Be sure you measure and weigh accurately. It's cheaper when I do it online, rather than let the post office do it. It costs more to send within Canada than to the US.
Hmm... just found a soap supplier website that is fairly close to me. 1-3 bar is $10.26 in shipping, then 4 bars has an Expedited Parcel Special Flat Rate which is $6.99. I wonder how that works...
I guess investigating shipping for possible future selling can be added to my to-do list.
Neve, I send two bars to China last month, it was around $13, but takes about one month. Looks like it cost more when sending within country. Please let me know any updates if you find more info.
If your package is over 20mm thick then it bumps you to a parcel rate. You can ship up to 500 grams but it can't be thicker than 2 cms.
Yeah I know - kinda hard to make soaps and deodorant sticks under 2cm.

Apparently it's called the slot of doom. Very fitting.

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