Thanks a bunch
Ive been designing a poison ivy soap for months. This is one of the last ingredients i need to test in my newest batch. I'm new to soap making , inducted out of desparation to resolve this Urushiol dermo rash persistance. So far my test are very positive in removing the urushiol oil and drying up the rash. Its a 0% oil retention, high alkalinity (ph) soap.
Sodium Tallowate, Coconut oil, Soybean oil, Witch Hazel, Melaleuca Alternifolia (tea treeoil, Turpentine, Cocoa,Diphenhygramine Hydrochloride, (benadryl), Pumice and now Jewelweed Extract. and lye and water. Astringent, Antiseptic, Antioxidant, Analgesic, anti-itch. Everything a rash infested growing boy needs. BTW Im not recomending this recipe to anyone but my self. Do the research before combinimg chemicals that you are not familiar with.