where i soap and hubbys mailbox!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
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Nice workspace! You may remember I soap on an old door on sawhorses for now...lol. I'd kill for yours. Hubby's mailbox is cute! Does he sell those? Also - I don't mean to alarm anyone, but look just above the peak of the mailbox...
Is that a white rat crawling up the cupboard door? :wink:
ok you freaked me out, i think its a rag, but im going to look! Yes, he sells those mailboxes, or would like to, know anyone rich people? :wink:
I soap on my washing machine :lol:

I love your space : )
honor435 said:
ok you freaked me out, i think its a rag, but im going to look! Yes, he sells those mailboxes, or would like to, know anyone rich people? :wink:

Does he have an Etsy or other website?
no website, let me know if you want one, this is his first, but he's been a carpenter all his life, owns his own granite co. right now. I dont even know what we're asking yet.
Actually, I was wondering if he did birdhouses, but hanging 500 pound birdhouses probably wouldn't be productive...lol
he does do birdhouses, the one he has now has stones on the front only, so not so heavy!
What a cool mailbox! Around here we would call that a bat proof mailbox - bat as in baseball bat. I don't suppose it would fit in a USPS flat rate box :lol:
I'm so excited for you honor. My hubby and I are building a shed for me to soap in. Actually it's more like a potting shed/soap room. I'm almost done with the tile in there and can't wait to use it.
I've never posted pics before but I think I'll start soon.
Good job on your soaps as well, they look awesome.

I love your little cottage, it's beautiful!
I have a two door pantry in my laundry crammed full of all my soaping stuff, and then I have about ten of those big plastic stackaway tubs stacked next to it. About once a week I go around and pick up all the stuff I've left lying around, then we can eat dinner at the dining table! :lol:
When my kids move out and leave home, I'll have a soaping room, a curing room, a wrapping room. :lol:
ok, people asking what hubby would charge for custom mailbox? what do you think? there is none online that i can compare, there is some cheesy custom ones for 275!
I think my name will be "cottage soaps", and mailboxes and birdhouses!
Nice space for soaping. I love that mailbox too! We could have used one like that. the kids attack them all the time.. :(
So envious. Gorgeous Cottage to make your soaps. DH does a great job with his crafting.

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