Where Do You Cure Soap?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2011
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Tracy, CA.
Since I am about to cut up my first CP batch tomorrow, I'm just wondering where you guys put your soap to cure? I am thinking of just setting mine inside a cardboard box to keep out of the way. Hopefully there isn't anything wrong with that! :?

I'm wondering what some of your preferences are. Closets? Out in the open to use as an air freshener? etc.
Mine is on shelves in my garage (heated and attached to the house)
I usually have new creations on the kitchen counter for a few days so I can admire them and smell them repeatedly...lol...then I take them out to the shelves.
Great question...Im curious to know what works best, too!

I am just getting set up and I to think the whole process through before I jump in. where do you stash these bars for curing? Especially when doing a large batch?
Great question...Im curious to know what works best, too!

I am just getting set up and I to think the whole process through before I jump in. where do you stash these bars for curing? Especially when doing a large batch?
I have shelves in my soap room that I cure my soaps on. Before that, I used to just store them in the utility room in cardboard shoe boxes.
We live downtown in a large city. We have a loft with 15 ft ceilings. Due to size we have to be very creative with storage. That said, the high ceilings actually give me an advantage because everything else including built in closets is standard height.
The soaplings live on wire shelving on top of one of our built in closets that spans an entire wall until they're ready for their new home. I have a rolling ladder (think old library) that goes from one end to the other so that I can reach them & check their progress regularly.
This way, they're well ventilated, away from heat & drafts and I can "sequester" them at different ends if I feel I might need to worry about scent sharing. AND, the whole darn place smells yummy all the time!
I store all my soaping goods in pretty much the same fashion (in crates since i'm an out of sight means clutter free sort) in the room where I actually will be using them.
Mine are on racks from the frig and they're in the laundry, but its a nuisance when I have to wash as I have to move them off the top of the machine. Getting to many.

I converted a wooden baby change table into a curing rack that I'm using ATM.
Eyeing off a big bakers rack though.
These days I think more about location rather than how.
My laundry sux. Too humid.
My walk in robe sux. Not enough ventilation.
My linen cupboards sux. Too stuffy and humid.

My bedroom is about the coolest most level temp place with the least humidity.
My soap spends a weeks on a rack by my main wash basin ... this is a dull area away from direct light and heat. During this time the logs get cut into bars and I turn the soap most days.

Next it goes onto a shelf in my linen cupboard, which is dark and dry. I love having them in my linen cupboard, as the wonderful smells flood my linen.

Next (when that shelf gets full) they go into cardboard boxes, in a spare bedroom, with space to allow air movement around the bars.

So far this is working well!
I have a work table in my spare bedroom where I lay them out flat on an old wicker window blind. It's perfect because the air can circulate around the bars through the tiny spaces between the wicker.
Mine cure on plastic shelving lined with some kind of holey-type mat on them. They are in a spare bedroom.

I have read that curing on metal racks can lead to dos.
I cure mine on baking cooling racks that I line with parchment. They stay in the kitchen for a bit - just like Gaerwen, but then I move them to my craft room/study. I'm starting to have a lot of curing soap to store, so I may have to rearrange my bookshelf in the craft room to accommodate more soap and fewer books. :wink: I've thought about trying to rig something up in the basement, as it is relatively dark and cool all year round (though it gets a bit humid in the summer). We'll see.
Hi I quit soaping for eight years due to moving to a tiny cabin. Also these sinks are porcelain and I didn't want to damage them. I sub rubbermaid containers for the role of the sink,works better for splashes because they are deeper. I cure the soap on a bay of kitchen cupboards,on large plastic trays from the dollar store,each tray is large enough to hold 7 pounds. I can cure 28 pounds of soap at a time. After they are all trimmed I transfer then to storage bins ,kind of like plastic baskets for longer air circulation.
So far I've taken over a wooden plant shelf in the spare bedroom, but it's not terribly space efficient as it's made for plants and soap just doesn't take up much vertical space. I'm thinking of switching to either metal racks with plastic craft mesh (lots of air circulation) or other type of plastic shelving that I could stack closer together. I don't have a great deal of soap yet but I know that it's just a matter of time before I get there :lol:
Everywhere. Anywhere. I've got to do something soon. It seems that between the kids and the adults and the activities, there is stuff everywhere. Soap came along late and has no designated site - yet. I'm going to take over the bookcase and make some more shelves at about 6" intervals. That should help for a little while.


Dennis - Some great soaps there! I just finished my first batch and my SWMBO already can't stand it! Says it smells like a perfume factory in here!

You got so many bars, I can only imagine how great your place smells!