Where did all my soap go!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2013
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Is there a soap stealing fairy or something? I've made at least 7 batches since October and I'm doing a neighborhood sale on Saturday.

I'm lucky if I can see fifteen bars in three fragrances to take :( where is it all? A friend came the other day and bought six but that shouldn't have done it. Although she took all the apple pie bars... grr. Those were the best!
Maybe your peeps love it so much that they're secretly sneaking off with it bit by bit whenever they come to visit? If so, my following statement might not be a consolation, but it sounds like you have a great formula on your hands! :) I would consider keeping it under lock and key from here on out whenever anyone comes to call.

IrishLass :)
Seriously I'm having the same problem. I had someone order some, and when I went to pack up the order I realized that I couldn't find several containers of soap. If I didn't know better, I would think someone came through my house and took some!
That sneaky soap stealing fairy has hit this house too! I had plenty of my facial soap and now I only have a few bars left to sell online, I won't take them to shows for fear of running out. I just made more but they won't be ready for a couple of months. Yikes! How did that get by me??:confused:
I'm labeling about 55 bars for Christmas gifts today (I don't sell). They are all my best bars and after Christmas I'll be close to wiped out. I'll still have some bars from my first few batches, which are fine, just not as pretty as my more recent ones. I've gotten a lot better at decorating tops and cutting uniform bars. I warned my husband there will be a lot of soap-making going on in January!

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