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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Wisconsin
I am wondering about something related to lip balm:
1. What are your experiences with places to order flavorings from? Best seller flavors?
2. Is your experience that people like tubes better than other vessels for lip balm? My husband asked the gals at work and they all said tubes.

I want to order some containers and flavorings and thought I would ask here for any suggestions.
In my experience, definitely tubes.
From Nature With Love has an amazing, yummy selection of flavor oils. They ship with signature required, though, so if you order from them, make sure you give an address that will have someone to sign!
(if theyre the right tubes Im picturing).... I know for me... I cannot live without my tube of chapstick lol... seriously my girl hid it on me one time.... wwwwwhheeeeeoooooo.... yeeah... She still makes fun of me cause I got reeeeaally mad and she wouldnt tell me where it was lol she was like your getting closer....closer...clooooooooooooooser.....farther.....faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarther... I was like NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgeiuheofiwhwo*dwhwoifhdfsadfasf!!!!qsaflasjhkfw!)(*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it was from growing up in NY and cold weather... always had to have some chapstick or your lips would be cracked up like ooooooooooww

ok yeah so my long-winded point being: I vote tubes :)