What's in your Soap Pot this weekend?

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Soapmaker Man

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
SW Missouri
Well, since the moderator at large is at her show this weekend, 8) I guess the duty to do this topic falls from the shoulders onto mine! :lol: Well, what are you friends up to this fine late fall weekend? And goodies being cooked up? I took the day off from the TOG shop and am making a batch of Lavender/Vanilla CP soap and a batch of Johnson's & Johnson's Baby Oil scented soap. I also am making up a gallon of my homemade cream base. I am also filling the Christmas Swap box at the last minute, literaly! :roll: Come on, spill the beans.. :lol:

Paul.... :) :wink:
I made some Apple Jack and Peel and some Honey Almond last nite. Tonite I am doing Candy Cane and another batch of Honey Almond. I think I may add some oatmeal to this batch of honey almond. If I can find out how much to add.
You know Ed, what I do to my Oatmeal, Milk & Honey soap is;
I take a coffee grinder and powder about a 1/3 cup of old fashioned oats. I grind and shake the grinder at the same time and it turns to a fine powder. I then add about 1 rounded teaspoon PPO to my oils before adding the lye solution. i stick blend the oils and powdered oats really well incorporating the 2 together. I then finish the soap and pour. On the top I sprinkle coarsely chopped oats for decoration. The powdered oats really provide some nice qualities to the soap! You can buy oat protein from various places, or do it like this. It is like adding a little oat protein to your soap! Try it, I think you'll like it Ed!

Paul.... :) :wink:
Today I'm making:
Black Amber & Lavender soap
Amber soap
Whipped Shea

And, if I can convince DH to do all the housework so that I can keep on going in the kitchen:
Bubbly Bath Milk
Oatmeal & Honey Bath Milk
Bubble bars
After shave balm (Maybe - still working on this one)
Foamy butter scrub

I also have an assessment to do for my Cert 1 in IT that I'm studying.
edco76 said:
I think I may add some oatmeal to this batch of honey almond. If I can find out how much to add.

I added 2 ounces of old fashioned rolled oats to a soap that was 30 ounces of oils, 10 ounces of liquid and 4.23 ounces of lye. I processed the rolled oats in my food processor until it was the consistency of breadcrumbs.

It turned out really nice. I didn't even add any fragrance to it and between the goats milk and the oatmeal it has a real nutty smell to it.
I didn't plan on making anything this weekend - got lots of family here for the holiday. But I did place my first order for essential oils so that I can make more.

Up until now, I've been getting my essential oils at a craft and hobby store and it costs a fortune per ounce. But I wanted to try a few batches before investing in $50.00 of oils.

Guess I'm hooked now.
This weekend I am re batching the CP soap that didn't come out of the mold good, earlier in the week. Used baby oil to grease the molds tonight and strapped it in so it wouldn't fly out before it was cooled. Paul said!

Also am trimming up the bottoms of some bars with my meat slicer. Actually does a pretty good job of making it flat.

Being new to soaping I've been experimenting with small 1 or 2 pound batches. Seem to be leaning towards HP with the oven method. I think there are less surprises when I add the additives that way. But there seems to get a lot of air pockets in the soap which I guess is ok because then it floats.

Hey Ed, you must be the cleanest man in the South with all that soap your makin.
All the men at this forum are busy this weekend and have answered this thread. Hey, more of you gals soaping this weekend or doing B&B or candles? Come on ladies, spill your beans and tell us! :lol:

Paul... :) :wink:

I made Lemon Eucalyptus Bars, with coconut milk (powder), when I got home from work (Saturday nite). This is probably my last batch, till I get my new soap cutter.
I still need to whip that shea I have been going on about for the last 3 week-LOL!
No soap yet, that's next on my list, but just made some facial scrub that i make from sweet rice flour and a little licorice root. The rice flour is gentle but effective- not as abrasive as some, and licorice root "brightens" the skin.
Here is my new dragonfly mold:

Dragon: Ooh pretty! Here is a tip I think you might like: get some really pretty powdered mica, maybe a silver or an opal or a pearl & brush just a touch onto the wings w/ a paint brush, just like you are applying blush. I think you owuld love the look! It would add a bit of sparkle & highlight the design.

Paul: We ladies don't
"spill beans"!
Here is a tip I think you might like: get some really pretty powdered mica, maybe a silver or an opal or a pearl & brush just a touch onto the wings w/ a paint brush, just like you are applying blush

Oh that is a really good idea!!!

Looks great Dragon! nice soap too. Looks like a honey/goat milk base.

Actually, Paul it is yummy Warm Vanilla Sugar scent!!!!!
Dragon that is a beautiful soap! i'm making some banana oatmeal soap and pomegranate vanilla soap! Smells yummy!
pepperi27 said:
Dragon that is a beautiful soap! i'm making some banana oatmeal soap and pomegranate vanilla soap! Smells yummy!

That sounds really great too! Are you using any natural ingredients it it besides the oatmeal perhaps pepperi27?

Paul.... :)
OK, that shea finally got the whippin' it deserved in Pink Sugar, Rice Flower, Vanilla Lace, Red Apple and unscented. I market the unscented as Mommy & Me nipple, tummy bottom butter for pregnant bellies, nursing mom's & babies bottoms.

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