What went wrong with my lard soap?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2014
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So Cal
I made this soap 3 weeks ago, same recipe as my orange piggy soap, but without the carrots. No coloring added. No sugar. 80% lard, 15% coconut, 5% castor, 5% SF. The only difference was that I used a tea tree EO from Trader Joes, and it's possible that this batch of lard was at its expiration date ( which was why it was on sale), but it had no odor and I refrigerated it when I got home (it wasn't refrigerated at the store).

It was a lovely white when I made it, but now it's this orangey color. Is this DOS? It doesn't smell bad, but there is this soapy smell along with the tea tree. Oh and before the color change it got oily on top, and that slick is still there, only it's kind of sticky now.

It's been hot here, around 85 deg F inside, no AC. Humidity doesn't get crazy in so cal, but we are near the beach so call it humid for Southern California.

Should I just dump it?

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I had a batch of 100% lard soap change to a very similar color. It was stored in a hot area also. I wondered it that was what caused it. I made it for laundry soap so didn't really care, but I have thought about trying it again and storing it in a cooler place. I have had some soaps get oily/sticky and they have always been some that where stored in a hot area, but not every batch has done that in the same conditions. I wish I could give you an answer, but at least you know it happens to others. It will probably be very nice soap. My guess is the oil is glycerin that has come to the surface, at least that is the assumption I make when I get that.
That actually makes me feel a lot better, thanks! I'll just ignore it for a while and see what it does.
No DOS. The lard batch I made with no colorants and no scents stayed whiter than the soap made with only EO's. That turned yellow. I still have a bar of both after a year, and they are still both fine.
Thanks so much Carolyn and Susie, I was worried that I'd have to dump it.