Have you used this recipe before? If not, what oils are new to you this batch? You have 3 oils that can accelerate trace - castor, palm and PKO. My notes say CO can accel but I haven't had it happen for me. I've never used PKO so can't speak to that one. I use palm routinely and get a bit faster trace than without, but the castor kills me every time. Even at 5%, like your recipe, I get fast trace. Since I don't really like the feel of castor in soap and the trace accel irritates me, I quit using it. I add a sugar of some kind to help bubbles if I need it. Your recipe contains about 50% oils that can accel trace so it might just be a combo of all of them. I hope your spoon swirl turns out well in spite of trace speed!
First thank you everyone for your responses.
I have not used this recipe before. The only new oil in this batch for me is the sunflower. I had not heard of castor accelerating before, but that could be an issue. I have used palm and PKO in the past, and they do speed things up a bit, but I didn't expect it would be that quick.
BattleGnome, you're right about the stick blender, it does have two settings. I have no idea which button I hit. That could be a factor. :???: Don't ever recall coconut being a problem, but again it's been a few years since I've soaped and all my notes are long lost after a move.
lenarenee, I had used pomace before, and have had it accelerate. Never anything like this though.
However, the olive oil was a new brand I have not used before. So this could be the culprit.
DeeAnna, I hadn't considered that possibility. Everything was brand new from the supplier. Just picked up today. But its possible that it could have been old when they received it. Everything looked and smelled good. No signs of rancidity. In fact the olive looked and smelled good enough that I would consider using it in food; which is something I never do with pomace.
Well, the soap is out of the mold, and it's weeping FO (cucumber melon) as we speak. I probably didn't get the FO incorporated well enough since I was in such a hurry to get it in the mold. It's hard enough to cut, but I'm going to let it sit for a while longer and see if some of the FO reabsorbs. If not, I'll mop it up with paper towels and see what the inside looks like.
When I try it again. I'll remove the castor. Replace the pomace with regular olive oil, and lower the amount of palm and PKO. Does that sound like it might make for a slower tracing recipe? Also maybe use a 25% lye solution instead of 30%?