Wow! Some of you live life on the edge! Yikes! :shock:
The scariest moment that comes to my mind was when I was 18 and working at K-Mart. I lived 1/4 to 1/2 mile away from the store, and so I would walk to and from work all the time. The area was sparsly populated and poorly lit at night during those days (1980), and the street that I would walk down to get home had farmland on the left side of the street, and a long stretch of nothing on my right until I reached my trailer park. It was a pretty lonely, seldom travelled road at night, but I always felt fairly safe.
Well, one night as I was walking home from work between 9:30 and 10:00 pm a car with 3 suspicious, shady looking guys in it passed me. As they passed and drove a ways up the street from me, I saw them looking back and leering at me and talking to each other.
They were still some distance up ahead from me and were still driving, albeit more slowly, so I kept on walking- albeit more slowly, too- never taking my eyes off of them for a second and trying not to get too freaked out, when all of a sudden they stopped their car as if they had suddenly decided between them to wait for me to catch up to them.
Well, I stopped in my tracks right then and there and pretended like I had a rock in my shoe (unpratical high heels in those days :roll: ), and sat down on the curb pretending to get the imaginary pebble out, all the while constantly looking at the car out of the corner of my eye to see what they might do.
I saw them start to drive off and I started to breathe a heavy sigh of relief when all of a sudden I saw them stop again and saw their reverse lights come on. Talk about heart palpitations! Well, that was enough cat and mouse for me- I immediately stood up and ran like the dickens all the way back to K-Mart like the devil himself and all the hoards of Hell were after me (as well as I could in those stupid high heels).
Thankfully it wasn't too very far and I made it back in one piece whereupon I placed a call to my stepdad to come pick me up and drive me home. Whew! From then on, my stepdad never let me walk home from work again. He always came and picked me up. When I think of all the young girls who have been stolen off the street and are never seen alive again.... well, all I can say is that mere words are not sufficient enough to describe how thankful I am to God for protecting me.