What soapy thing have you done today?

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Can I ask you what you’re using to create your website? You may have said earlier- I seem to miss a lot of conversations. I apologize if it causes repetition. ☹

No worries. Squarespace. I had tried a couple of other 'shopping carts' but really struggled with them (and mind you, I have a degree in this stuff).
But I'm not that impressed, must try Zany's recipe.
Oh, please do!

If it's not too much trouble, and if you are so inclined, it would be GREAT if you could post a thread in the Soap Showcase & Photo Gallery -- "Traditional Castile vs ZNSC" -- to compare the lather between the two bars. ZNSC is ready to lather up at the 2 week mark. But, of course, the longer the cure the better -- 4-6 weeks is sufficient. 3-months to 1-year cure isn't necessary at all! ☺ :thumbs:
I had told my good bud in Hawaii about the February challenge. He was our host and introduced us to Kehena Beach and Punaluʻu Beach -- which was the inspiration for my challenge entry. So he blabbed the challenge results to all of our friends so I awoke to a flurry of texts. One friend wants to frame my soap.

I unmolded, cut, and posted my new soap, First time silk .
I made a triple batch of soap 😁 Vanilla Bean scented so no colors and just a chopstick swirl with some unscented batter. PXL_20220301_033827418.jpg
I am doing some fragrance testing, trying to be somewhat methodical. I have an… umm… extensive collection of fragrances 🙄 and I need better records on how they perform. Testing each in an 80 g round cavity mold at 5%, or less if manufacturer says so. I’m using ZCS on potentially discoloring including non-vanilla discoloring fragrances to see what happens. Today I made 24 samples and am still in the Fs. I know. Ridiculous.
I used to sew a lot and had an embarrassing amount of fabric. I remember seeing a bumper sticker that said “She who dies with the most fabric wins.” I guess it’s my personality. I need a bumper sticker that says “She who dies with the most fragrance oils wins.”😄
Today I checked in on my curing Solesife Soap German salt bar and once again Disappointed!! It was my favorite recipe for customers & myself but suddenly the past 3 batches have cracked, and this batch is sticky, and I see it will be cracking too :-( I have no idea what's going on, but I'll keep trying.
Do you use lard? I know some people on FB were complaining about a certain brand of lard suddenly making soft, sticky soap.
I did a soapy experiment. I made an almost 100% shea soap. Really just wanna see how it turns out I guess. My aunt asked me for something moisturizing. I know that isn't possible, so I just decided to experiment, cause I never really do. I just make my usual recipe lard bars. And I have a lot of shea butter on hand actually. I made a triple butter bar once with olive oil once and its really nice.

I say almost because i know it won's be very bubbly with just the shea, so I added 5% castor oil, plus sugar in the water as usual.

Looking at the soap calc, it seems nice except the bubbles. Hopefully the sugar boosts that.

You probably all know my results lol. But I never go out of the box, so I did a thing lol.

Nothing else in it but half of my usual amt of fragrance just in case it turns out well LOL If not, I have other plans for it.
Followed a tutorial I found on this forum for welding soap together. Went through every step carefully and fully. Soap melted into gooey blobs - they looked like microwaved marshmallows. Everything had to be melted down and repoured, which was incredibly disappointing because I was really happy with the original result. The white top of the soap just didn’t want to stick to the rest of the soap because I waited too long to pour the white part of the soap onto the rest of it. It’s a beer soap scented with BrambeBerry’s Scotch Whiskey, and I was so excited about the layers I put into the soap. The final result is not what I wanted, but at least I managed to salvage what could have been a total loss, and the soap still smells amazing. Live and learn, I guess.


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I did a soapy experiment. I made an almost 100% shea soap. Really just wanna see how it turns out I guess. My aunt asked me for something moisturizing. I know that isn't possible, so I just decided to experiment, cause I never really do. I just make my usual recipe lard bars. And I have a lot of shea butter on hand actually. I made a triple butter bar once with olive oil once and its really nice.

I say almost because i know it won's be very bubbly with just the shea, so I added 5% castor oil, plus sugar in the water as usual.

Looking at the soap calc, it seems nice except the bubbles. Hopefully the sugar boosts that.

You probably all know my results lol. But I never go out of the box, so I did a thing lol.

Nothing else in it but half of my usual amt of fragrance just in case it turns out well LOL If not, I have other plans for it.
There are some good recipes shared on SMF for high-shea soaps. I am pretty sure @cmzaha and @Zany_in_CO have each shared theirs.
@Zany_in_CO I think I will try that tonight. I saw a recipe on yt for a 60% shea butter soap, but I didn't have enough cocoa butter for it so I experimented with just the shea and castor. I think it might have been Terri from Tree Marie, not sure.

Getting ready to cut last nights soap. It looks really nice. It is a pretty cream color. Hope it stays that color with the Coconut FO in it. I didn't add any TD or other colorants.
Made @Zany_in_CO shea recipe just now. Added CA this time and a bit more fragrance. Holy rice cakes batman lol. I managed to save it I think.

I dont blame the recipe. I blame it on me using a new recipe that i am not familiar with.

It will be ok. Like i said, i saved it. So i guess i will be going to bed at a decent time tonight after all lol.
What is the name of this method? Thank you
It’s a pull-through technique. Also called kaleidoscope soap.

What does it smell like? Looks awesome
I use EO in this soap, usually something earth and balanced, but I don’t remember in this batch what I used. The beer, coffee, chocolate, and bacon fat contribute no smell.

I’ve been away visiting fam in FL. Made 4 batches of bath bombs yesterday. This is good because it looks like rain today! Today I plan on making some embeds for a couple of soaps. These should be fun to airbrush!! I gotta say, 4 batches of BBs and the dishes only took me 10 minutes!! Still, I love the magick of soap the most!


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