Anyone order from Save On Scents? After reading their about page, I feel like I need to take a class on how to order from them. Maybe I’m just tired, but it seems complicated.
Do you leave the leftover soap in the bags to saponify, then transfer the soap dough to storage in containers?I do line them. It’s a bit of a pain, but I it’s mindless, and a good activity for when I don’t have enough band width to make soap. I’ve got quite the system down! I have gone over it some in the pull through tips and tricks thread. But, it is very worthwhile! It helps with clean up a lot!! And, I’m able to pull the bags out and squeeze the batter into some fun individual cavity molds, or for soap dough.
Yes, that is what I did with my test loaf. I soap at 90 most times.My use of that FO improved when I added it very last after splitting my batter and coloring. And I was soaping at 95f.
These look great! Do you line your PVC and if so has it affected the pull through?Took advantage of no work on my day job and soaped up a storm! 4 pull throughs in the heated bucket!!! I’m pooped!
I wanted to use some new-to-me FOs. So I read through many pages of reviews. I soaped at a solid 90f and added them immediately before putting each color in the squeeze bottle. I think it worked out ok.
Lining the squeeze bottles paid off because I got to make 3 nice individual soaps from each pull throughs batch. I used bits of extruded embeds to decorate them and I think they’re sweet! Might not even put them in the sale basket!
Got my system of transitioning from one batch to the next a little more smooth. Washing some dishes in between. This is only the second time I’ve done this many at once. It was a solid days work!
Yes I did make them & we are liking them. Liking better in shower than bath due to the un saponified olive oil addition. It definitely takes some patience to melt the pre-made soap. You’ll notice some darker spots in the cube. Those are not completely melted bits of the soap. I’m sure melt & pour soap would melt much faster but if patient, yes this a great way to use extra soap. Which I have a’ plenty! Talk about baby soft smooth skin after use!I also found a recipe on a random search for something else, then came here to search for them and i found your msg. Did you make these? Wondering if its a good way to use soap scraps.
Great job there! Love the top. I'm lovin' all the white & navy soaps lately.I finally made a drop swirl I like! Scented with Tobbacco Flower FO from Micas and More.
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I do not line my pvc. My first 3-4 batches I smeared a little Vaseline inside. But I don’t need to anymore. I put them in the freezer for 30mins-1hour. Take them out and wait 15 minutes until they start to sweat. Then they slide out so fast I have to catch them and make sure they don’t get smashed on the floor!These look great! Do you line your PVC and if so has it affected the pull through?
Gaffer’s tape sticks really well on dry surfaces. I think it would stay put even when it gets wet. It just doesn’t adhere to a wet surface.Any recs for a tape that’ll stay put? This is electrical.
That is very lovely soap! Congrats!Tried my hand at the one pot wonder last night (first time). Scented in rosemary mint. Cut today. Not the result I was hoping for. Two of my greens look the same. My white set up too fast as well. Plan on trying again tonight.
He's clever to know what's the best, and tough enough to dare request it from you.He's a tough guy but needs my soap and lotion bars.
Another gardener here. I keep wondering if I can wash with Neem soap *before* gardening to keep the bugs away.What does neem do in soap?