I'm trying to stick to my intention of making a variety of basic soap recipes, and not get too distracted by fancy designs and ingredients! On that note, last night I made Zany's no slime Castile with the added coconut and castor oil, to compare to the 100% olive oil one I made a while ago.
I have been trying to make time to soap for a couple of weeks, so once my baby was in bed and my husband was out playing with his toys (hunting), I made myself do it even though I didn't feel up to it. I don't plan on doing that again

it wasn't quite a disaster, but just enough kept going nearly wrong to put me off (including a dash over to my mother-in-law's house to grab extra olive oil after I'd already mixed my lye).
I poured in cavity molds because I couldn't be bothered to line my mold, and when I unmolded this morning, three of them had missing corners that were wet and zappy

the rest are really pretty and simple though.