What soapy thing have you done today?

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I bought a large mold from Bulk Apothercary and it called for 72 oz of oil. Last night, I made soap in it and it turned out wonderfully. It was suggested (in my reading) that I let it sit for 12 hours before unmolding. This morning it came right out of the mold and I cut it into 16 bars. I used peppermint fragrance and it smells wonderful.


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OMG I did it, my first totally CP soap, including piping and nothing over heated or had oil seepage or soap on a roped or any other disaster Ive heard tell about. I do have a few areas with soda ash im going to have to tackle but over all im relieved but likely remaining an HP'er. I just have too much anxiety.
. LOL, too funny. Happy to hear that it worked out!

First time, line pour.
That’s a great soap!
Hi everyone! I’m brand new to soap making and just love it so far. I have made a small batch of tallow soap that turned out beautifully! I have also made a CP batch that seized terribly. I believe it was a combination of the lye mixture being too warm and fragrance oil not agreeing with the mixture.
Is there any way of predetermining what a fragrance oil might do before ruining the batch? Thanks very much!

It’s just lovely msunnerstood. Congrats!
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Hi everyone! I’m brand new to soap making and just love it so far. I have made a small batch of tallow soap that turned out beautifully! I have also made a CP batch that seized terribly. I believe it was a combination of the lye mixture being too warm and fragrance oil not agreeing with the mixture.
Is there any way of predetermining what a fragrance oil might do before ruining the batch? Thanks very much!
Depending on where you get your fragrance oils, many suppliers will have something about how their fragrances behave in CP soap. Or the reviews.
I bought a large mold from Bulk Apothercary and it called for 72 oz of oil. Last night, I made soap in it and it turned out wonderfully. It was suggested (in my reading) that I let it sit for 12 hours before unmolding. This morning it came right out of the mold and I cut it into 16 bars. I used peppermint fragrance and it smells wonderful.
Wow, those must be really large bars. I regularly use a mold that requires 30 ounces of oils/butters and I get 10 bars from this mold! They are 4 ounces each.
Wow, those must be really large bars. I regularly use a mold that requires 30 ounces of oils/butters and I get 10 bars from this mold! They are 4 ounces each.
I have a very large family and when they saw the first (small) batch I did, they immediately wanted more. So everyone is getting two bars and I won't have enough.
I made another batch of Charcoal & Lavender Castile soap this morning. It was a good seller at last year's market and I'm all out so I figured I'd better make more. This is using the No Slime Castile soap recipe from @Zany_in_CO. This time, I used real sea water that my son-in-law brought me from Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island.

Over the weekend I packaged 40 bars of soap. Ordered oils. Made a dragon (GOT) inspired soap... it's not pretty. Made a Minecraft inspired soap that might be pretty. Made a test bar of a tweaked shampoo (syndet) recipe. Spent far too long thinking about all the things I would like to get into making and researching recipes.

Tonight I will be doing dishes and making a unicorn inspired soap. And probably learning more about lotion making.
I had a soapalooza weekend making really green soap with a matcha tea infusion and then playing around mixing indigo and madder to make purple. It looks like I have some nice shades in the purple-ish red to blue-ish purple range in my test batches. Pictures soon. Today I looked at the soapy dishes and left it at that. I spent most of the afternoon cooking for an international themed potluck tomorrow night.
For three days this week, my co-worker and I are working half days; I have three mornings off so decided it's a good week to make soap. This morning, I made a perennial favourite, Salt & Pepper soap. It's scented with Salt Water Mermaid. I'm not sure what I'll make tomorrow.

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Probably not simple, but... Simply elegant!
Made @Dawni 's Neem Soap! My kids can't stand Anise, so my EO mix was:
cedarwood 20%, lemongrass 30%, sage 10%, tea tree 40%. On the day I made it, strange parts of the house smelled like Neem. Not the basement kitchen where it was, but the upstairs bedrooms or the back room or something. On the first day I smelled more lemongrass than Neem but that's faded back a bit. I'm surprised to not smell much TTO, given the quantity.
Pleased so far, but we'll have to see how it works.

I made a batch of melt and pour soap with loofah, chamomile oil and chamomile flower. To go as a pair with chamomile cp soap which I made last month.
Lovely soap and equally lovely photos! I envy people who have the skill and motivation to set up a proper photo shoot....I considered mine a success because I used the junk lying near the soap to prop up the soap at a better angle!


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Puppy got me up early, I’m a night shifter. So what do I do? Make Soap!! 1 pound of soap colored with indigo powder and scented with essential oils of Bergamot, Patchouli, YlangYlang (Serenity on EOCalc at 5%). Nice scent, waiting to see if it makes it through the saponification process and lasts. Anyone use this scent before? What did you think?

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