Can I vent?
After 5+ years of soaping I made so many newbie mistakes yesterday.
1. it was hot and humid and I just HAD to remind myself that's not the best weather to soap
2. try to soap while everyone is at home, everyone talking to me, distracting etc
3. used different recipe, without butters, it was supposed to be a test batch (note to myself again: butters in soap=hard soap)
4. measured out half of my oils before I realised I only have 1/2 of PO required, changed the recipe quickly to compensate with extra OO (I so should've stopped there

5. forgot to add clay to my oils (note again, clay = faster trace and harder soap)
6. family friend pops in, straight into kitchen, asking me soapmaking questions what, where, how.... arghhh (please go away everyone)
7. soap is finally poured, new EOs and FOs tested in the individual molds, 500gr of batter made with well known and well behaved FO into smaller loaf, everything looks good... but
8. everything gelled super crazy and now I have one squishy oily mess, even the small loaf, with the FO I usually have no issues with, is soft like butter. The only ones turning out OK are few individual soaps made with some fruit FO. They hardened up fine but they look see through like MP, how on Earth did I do that?
Now, I'm positive it's a combination of recipe, hot weather, incorrect measurement (too much oil, it's not zappy), possibly false trace, I guess I'll never know but it's just so funny. I don't think I've ever made such a mess.
I'll let it cure and if it doesn't look good in a week I might HP the lot into something. I'm too embarrassed to take a photo haha.