@Jersey Girl That soap is gorgeous. I just made a test batch with NS Satsuma earlier this month. I had a wee bit of ricing. Did you have any issues? Do you know how the scent holds up over time?
Haha, here’s a completely different take on an orange soap - from my
crunchy line. First, I‘m very happy to report that I survived the triple threat of soy wax, orange wax and an EO blend with 18% ylang ylang. I was mentally prepared for the challenge, had everything lined up perfectly and had the soap in the mold in time to texture the top. The orange scent from the wax is not as bright smelling as orange EO, but it holds better for me than any orange FO or EO I’ve tried. The color here is from the orange wax at 5% of oils plus a little yellow from the shea I used.
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