My friend works at a real estate agency and they want soaps for new home owners welcome packages. YAY ME!! I wrapped and labeled and dropped off 24 bars for them tonight. They wanted 20 bars, I made a deal and sold 24.
I stopped by a store tonight that bought a bunch of soap from me to sell. I was just checking in. The owner was like "how many did I buy from you" lol. I'm like 24. He said that's all I have left and pointed...handful of soaps. Maybe 6 left. Bongs, pipes, and my soap on the same shelf LOL They are all xmasy smells left. So I told him that if they don't sell by next week I can switch them out for him. I need to keep this guy. All the beachy smells sold, But not the Christmas smells. He wants more to sell, cause now he is making $3 per bar of soap with his mark up.
An antique store bought a bunch for selling, plus I sold A LOT for christmas.
Not a bad problem to have...but I am down to 19 bars of "ready" soap. Who knew I would have this problem LOL.
My soapy thing today is mass production LOL. Now I am almost out of lye, and my order doesn't come in till tuesday. I thought the Christmas buying frenzy was over and I got worried that it was all short-lived sales. But I still have customers, and repeat customers that want more. One girl bought a bunch from me for xmas gifts and now her giftees are calling me for more. And the real estate agency was a big winner for me today.
Oh, and I have all those soaps that I didn't know what to do with...all good soap, just either too small or ugly. I talked to a girl tonight that works for an assisted living facility. She's gonna take my box...I dunno, maybe 50 bars. She's gonna sell them for a dollar or two at her facility, and I told her I would give her half of the money of what she sells. I was going to donate them, but if they still go to a good cause, why not. I was going to give them away anyway.
Seriously, this all happened this week LOL. My new soapy thing is researching and learning master batching.