I did a non weird, non soap challenge soap lol. Simple white and yellow itp swirl with White Tea and Pear from Nurture. I did more yellow than i should have, so it might be yellow and white instead of white and yellow lol. It smells juicy though, so either way is ok. Wish i could have done two loaves at once, but i dont have a big enough soaping container, and i needed to do something easy without all the math after this challenge lol.
Someone said something about velcro to keep your mold from bowing, sorry i cannot remember who it was. I dont have velcro, so i started tying lengths of yarn instead. Pita, but it works. I hate trying to trim the edges to make it even.
Trying to get this all in one msg lol
ummmm....i was at work today, and all the nurses that i had previously given soap to for Nurses Week are super excited and love my soap. All lard soap. Even one smelly fragrance that i hated lol. One girl said to give up my day job

The biggest proudest moment was that they were talking about how great the SOAP was, not just the fragrance or deco.
One of the guy nurses asked if i could make a soap that smells like zest. Im like yeah (i hate zest lol) but lime cilantro from elements smells like that.... He said that his wife loves the coconut soap i gave him, and she wants more of that, and he wants the zest smelly soap. He wanted to know if there is a sign-up sheet somewhere LOL
I inquired a while back at a green market, asking if they had soap makers out of curiosity. This lady emailed me yesterday asking if i could come sell soap. But the funny thing....she said i needed a 10x10 tent. I get that part with the size. I said all i had right now is a 12x12 tent. She got all annoyed and said it had to be 10x10 with sandbags, and a lot of blah blah annoyed stuff about the 12x12 lol. I get it, just saying thats all i had. YOU called ME lol. I told her i would get back to her when i got the right size.
And im not sure about what to do with sandbags lol. I know, hold down the tent...but where do you put them? The tent i have (12x12 one lol) nails into the grass. Where do you get sandbags? My biggest problem with this venue, is that i gave away a lot of soap for nurses week. I have a lot of soap to sell, but not enough to make a nice display, if that makes sense. Plus if i were to happen to sell all of them soaps, i dont have back ups to do another market. I just counted, i have about 75 sellable soaps (I have a lot more, but not sellable based on size etc, imo). I have a lot more curing, but thats all i have right now that are ready to go. Gonna have to pass I think. I know, i am giving myself a lot of credit on how many i could sell, but i never want to look like i am running out.