Well-Known Member
So HI! I haven't been here in a couple years, was just making large batches of my staple soaps for self use. Decided I want to give soaps for Christmas this year so tonight I made a test batch of a lard recipe I've used before, to check scent. Anyway, due to loss of my microwave and me not being willing to buy a new one, I thought I'd try the 'heat transfer method' of melting my lard (which came out of the fridge) and CO. Uh, yeah. That did not work so well for a 1-lb mold!
I had to put it on the stovetop to finish melting my oils and by the time everything was incorporated it was already at heavy trace. So my planned swirl was more a gloop. Next time I'll melt the oils first.... But, it's nice to be back!