What soapy thing have you done today?

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First thing this morning, I cut the soap I had poured into a smallish container about 30 hours ago. I tried to make a coloured layer on top and even dropped some droplets of batter from a height I thought would be big enough but was not to make any perceptible drop. Initial lesson learned.

Other bars are taken out of moulds and drying on the counter. I used different FO's for each mould to test them. In fact, primarily I was trying to cover the sheepish smell of my very old frozen sheep tallow. All FO's did it, and the bars from the container where I used no FO still retain some of its smell. Luckily it is diminishing.

My (near) future plan: soap from pig leaf fat I've already rendered.
I made a double batch of Lilac and one of Fairy Gardens--I screwed up the fairy gardens though when I cut this morning it was crumbly--I thought I hadn't used enough of one of the oils but wasnt sure--now I am sure. I had planned on being done making soap for the year :( I am going to remake it and I am done. Now off to market!!
I finalized my own custom fragrance and made the very first batch of soap with it.
That's quite an acccomplishment! Good for you! Crossing fingers it lasts!
Cross Fingers.jpg
I finally made individual anchor embeds for a soap I’ve been planning to make for months. It’s now the last weekend I have to get the soap made in time for Christmas gifting to the Navy veterans in the family. I still haven’t decide how I’m going to make the base soap. My options are a slab mold that I would have to hand cut, individual square bar molds or individual (thin) rectangular bar molds. The individual molds would be easier, but the slab mold would let me make bigger, thicker rectangles. I’m also still contemplating the idea of making them soap on a rope. I think I have to decide all this very soon. :)
@Mobjack Bay soap on a rope with anchor embeds would be brilliant for Navy veterans.. You could use one of their knots too! :)
I’m so old that I even have a book on how to tie knots. I’m thinking I should stick straws into the soap after it firms up a little in order to make the holes, but I can imagine there are multiple ways for that to go wrong. I also need to decide on a unisex scent since I’m giving them to three men and two women. Sooooo many decisions!
My normal job, the one that finances my soap habit, is taking up so much time these days that all I do is look up at my soap racks, full of badly sliced slabs of bubbly bliss, and dream...

Got a call from a friend whose friend in Barcelona wants me to send her some bars. She likes what I do, and as the stuff I've made so far has not exploded, melted holes in the floor, produced buboes, stripped the skin off my guinea pig (me) or turned into a malignant and highly intelligent slime, I might just gift her a bar or two.

That's sort of soapy

Happy soaping, everyone
I did not really make soap today, but hubby and I had a bit of a soap related adventure.
We decided to hop a bus to China Town in LA looking for Kojic Acid soap (skin lightening). People are always asking for some so I thought I might look for some and test it, although I did not have a lot of high hopes in finding it and I did not. It was also nowhere to be found in the beauty/cosmetic district either. Then we caught the gold line train and bus home. It was really a fun day and no stress of driving and paying for parking in LA. Next time I stock up on shea we are taking a fold-up cart and going the same way. :D Although when I do a shea run I usually get metered parking in front of the store.
I made my first soap in what feels like forever, after coming down with a bit of a virus last week and not feeling up to anything. Tried to keep it fairly natural today. Goat milk with some tea tree and litsea, and coloured with some indigo and french pink clay and a little td....I did put the lightest touch of biodegradable sprinkles on top just because I have it and haven't used it yet. Put it in the fridge to prevent gel even though my colourants would have probably benefited from gel. Basic in the pot swirl. I will do something more challenging this coming week. :)
Had a chance to make couple soaps today: Calendula with olive oil infused with calendula, layered Rainbow, and first ever butterfly embed (link) in a regular loaf of patchouli soap. Why is it always so hard to wait to cut them?
LOL! My husband told me I’m like a kid on Christmas!
Gave some soaps away, surely that counts... I think my bout of soapmania is over, instead I’ve got a new sourdough starter;).
I made my first pipe divider swirl soap in a little 6” square slab mold. The pipes are small and maybe the batter was a little too thick, but the tops are pretty. I’m guessing the soap didn’t make it to the lines I will cut on. I think I used a skewer. Should I have used something bigger, like a chopstick, to do the swirling?
