Bahahaha! Soapmaking is my "third" job - I have a full-time and a part-time job. Fortunately the part-time job is mostly work from home and I only have to go in one day a week. Mostly I procrastinate the behind the scenes soap biz stuff until I HAVE to do it and then I don't have time to dilly-dally. I always have time to make soap

Fortunately I have a hubby who is really a partner, he jumps in and makes dinner, does housecleaning (he does ALL the laundry), runs kids around when needed. He likes to tell me I'm his trophy wife so he's quite happy if the only thing I do is "look pretty" bahaha! He really does get the short end of the stick on that deal.
I really don't know - having a car around here is a way of life, so I can't imagine someone NOT having one. We don't have reliable public transportation (unless you're going somewhere 8-5) and our weather is craptastic 80% of the year, so it's really hindering to not have your own vehicle. But to the point... car insurance is a ridiculous requirement! Business insurance I can understand needing, but why specifically my car insurance. This lady is ridiculously slow to answer email, so if I don't have an answer I'll have to call tomorrow. I just don't know how staffed the place is, we're still in the office season for tourist trade.