What soapy thing have you done today?

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Would you knock back the charcoal a bit if making again? If so, to what?

I probably would do a small (1 lb) batch with less than 1/2 tablespoon (1-1 1/2 teaspoons) /lb and see how I like it though I am sure the lather will be some shade of gray. I do want the benefits of the charcoal so I have to find a happy medium. I wanted a black soap with the one I did so it would contrast with the white. I have found that more charcoal means light exfoliation :)

Love your swirls! The whole thing is so elegant.

Thank you Kari ;)
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Shopped for supplies and ordered things I'm nearly out of so hopefully I've avoided a stressful emergency. Made small test batches of 4 things and regular loaves of two others, and cleaned up after myself! AND I made my first post ever on the soap making forum-yay!
very pretty--lye pockets? oh no
I probably would do a small (1 lb) batch with less than 1/2 tablespoon (1-1 1/2 teaspoons) /lb and see how I like it though I am sure the lather will be some shade of gray. I do want the benefits of the charcoal so I have to find a happy medium. I wanted a black soap with the one I did so it would contrast with the white. I have found that more charcoal means light exfoliation :)

have you thought of using pine tar for the black?
I probably would do a small (1 lb) batch with less than 1/2 tablespoon (1-1 1/2 teaspoons) /lb and see how I like it though I am sure the lather will be some shade of gray. I do want the benefits of the charcoal so I have to find a happy medium. I wanted a black soap with the one I did so it would contrast with the white. I have found that more charcoal means light exfoliation :)

I wonder if you could replace some of the charcoal with black oxide or pine tar for less grey in the lather. I realize that black oxide can grey too. Just thinking out loud.
I wonder if you could replace some of the charcoal with black oxide or pine tar for less grey in the lather. I realize that black oxide can grey too. Just thinking out loud.
That's what most do, from what I gather, add black oxide or mica.. I've read lots where the results are a dark grey no matter how much charcoal they used.

To date, I've not made a black soap, only varying shades of dark grey, exfoliation also varied, and all have grey lather.
I wonder if you could replace some of the charcoal with black oxide or pine tar for less grey in the lather. I realize that black oxide can grey too. Just thinking out loud.

You could add either one or both I imagine. I also make pine tar soap and I don't particularly love the smell. It would definitely interfere with the EO blend. As the others said, it produces a brown colored soap but pine tar itself may help to darken the charcoal soap. It is tricky to use in a recipe also. I guess you would have to include, "Produces gray lather and may stain white garments" somewhere on the label. I did notice that it came out of my white washcloth when I did laundry so I guess that's a positive.

@Marilyn Norgart I didn't consider that because I don't like the smell. I think it would cover up the EO blend which I like.
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Shopped for supplies and ordered things I'm nearly out of so hopefully I've avoided a stressful emergency. Made small test batches of 4 things and regular loaves of two others, and cleaned up after myself! AND I made my first post ever on the soap making forum-yay!

Hi Amy,

Welcome, as your new, would you like to go to the Intro forum and let us know a little about yourself and how or why you got into soaping.
TerriE, I wonder if a discoloring FO, such as Dragon's Blood would help deepen the black as well as smell wonderful. I have not tried it with black, but it sure does turn my pastels into deep rich jewel shades. Of course on its own, its more of a brown, but who knows if it would help darken soap with AC or any other black colorant. Maybe one of these days I'll experiment a little with black + DB myself.
TerriE, I wonder if a discoloring FO, such as Dragon's Blood would help deepen the black as well as smell wonderful. I have not tried it with black, but it sure does turn my pastels into deep rich jewel shades. Of course on its own, its more of a brown, but who knows if it would help darken soap with AC or any other black colorant. Maybe one of these days I'll experiment a little with black + DB myself.
You know, that's a good idea! I don't use dragon's blood but do like it. Is there one particular supplier that you think is best to purchase from?
Thank you :)
I like the DB that Carolyn (cmzaha) special orders, but I don't know when she's going to have a chance to do another order. The other DB I like is from Arizona Mad Oils (link). I used some from somewhere else once, too, but don't remember where for sure (maybe Crafter's Choice.)
I like the DB that Carolyn (cmzaha) special orders, but I don't know when she's going to have a chance to do another order. The other DB I like is from Arizona Mad Oils (link). I used some from somewhere else once, too, but don't remember where for sure (maybe Crafter's Choice.)
Thank you, I'll check Arizona Mad Oils.
Dear soapers, i will be doing soap with st john's wort oil but could not find any information about its saponification ratio. Anyone has any idea?
Was tidying up my curing shelves and putting away a bar each for my sister. Didn't realize I've made this many soaps since January 2019!
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You have been a busy beaver!

Cut my first all charcoal bar today! Wow, it is different to work with! Pretty happy with the way it turned out though :) Contains oats, clay, coconut milk and rice flour. It is scented with 50% tea tree, 25% lemongrass and 25% lavender.

View attachment 38596
Unbelievably elegant! Care to share your technique?
By 'today' I mean last Friday, I took 5 dozen bars to work for good-bye treats to my coworkers since tomorrow is my last day. They went like hot cakes except the rosehip/spearmint/clove was the slowest to move (my wife says soap shouldn't smell like toothpaste :) ). One coworker has been researching CP but is freaking out about lye -- I told her it's like bleach, it's a powerful substance and use caution but don't be freaking out (an analogy I got from this forum).

My wife and I had our good-bye party (we're moving out of state soon) yesterday and had loads of door prizes aka stuff we don't want to pack for guests and I offloaded all remaining lotion bars.

And, @DWinMadison , my sons also call me #breakingbad when I'm suited up in goggles, gloves, and bandana over my nose. :)
Dear soapers, i will be doing soap with st john's wort oil but could not find any information about its saponification ratio. Anyone has any idea?
St. John's Wort oil will be an infused oil; you'll need to know what oil it was infused in and use that for your saponification rate. Could I ask why you want to use SJW oil in your soap? Any benefits from the oil likely won't survive the saponification process.

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