Thing I did today ... buried myself in researching a product I have no intention of ever using. I really need to stop doing that (even if it is interesting
That was my soapy thing today, too -- but for something that SO and i both Will use: Shampoo bars! It was VERY interesting and I took several notes today, including some tested recipes off SMF and another place that i can't recall.
I feel very nearly ready to do a first shampoo batch, except that once I settle on a recipe and additives, i'm pretty sure there will be one or more things to buy first.
Also today, I decided that, since I'm becoming more interested in natural additives for their various properties, I'll probably HP all those batches and save CP for when 'pretty' is the thing. So probably more HP than CP batches upcoming for me. The only thing I don't like is the extra 40 minutes or so, but oh well...
Rather than put my own soapy post, i just segued (seg'-wayed!) off of yours ... Thanks, dear Fig!
Me too. One more thing to feel guilty about. I was even hesitant to use ribbon cuz birds get stuck in it when disposed...especially if not cut.
I thoroughly cut up all those 6-pack soft plastic ring jobbies and any such things, and try to teach others to do the same ... but i don't hold out false hopes on that one.
Basically, if it looks like some creature could get its head/neck stuck in it, one probably will.