What soapy thing have you done today?

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Earlene, how about putting a window a/c unit in upstairs? I did it for my bedroom because it's the last run for a/c and never seems to cool down right. My electric bill is lower/same with it so its not taking much juice :).

Used some MP to test out new molds to see how much the bars weigh and that's it for soap so far :)

Unmolded another six loaves and cut them. Thank goodness I’m no longer behind the 8 ball. Will have plenty for my shows. Sugar scrubs sometime this week I hope.
Just put to bed to Gel 4 loaves, Apple/Oak, Cranberry/Fig, Lilac, Cuke/Melon
Will cut tomorrow.

New batch of FO's just arrived, but I have to go through them all and write %'s, discolor and flashpoints on the bottles.
Got Fireplace from NG and it is yummy.
I made deodorant today, and true to form, what could go wrong did go wrong. It's been that kind of day today all day long. Well maybe I should say yesterday, as it is after midnight.

So first, I melted the babassu oil in a pot of hot water. No problems. I cleaned two deodorant containers, taking them apart in the process, of course.

Then I measured out my MgOH.

Next, I accidentally put grabbed the sample soy wax baggie instead of the cera bellina wax baggy and started adding it before verifying I had the right ingredient. So I split my 9% (formerly I used beeswax) and did 5% as rice bran wax and 4% as cera bellina wax. Then I thought I should have just stuck with the rice bran wax because now I won't know which one brought what to the recipe. Oh well. That's not the worst that could happen. But in case it's not yet evident, I added the wax pastilles to the dry MgOH, BEFORE the oil. That was the wrong order and I know better. I know to melt the wax into the oils first, but as I said at the start... it's been like this all day.

Of course, after adding the gently melted babbasu oil into the powdery mixture, I still had to melt the wax. That worked out okay, but it was just out of order and took longer than it would have if I had done it without the powder. So I had to let it cool down again before adding my FO. No problem, just took more time.

So choosing the containers to pour my new deodorant in, I first topped off a small container because I know this amount has a bit extra. No problem and I want to take the small deodorant container with me on our little trip (train to Chicago for 2 nights). Then I started filling one of the deodorant containers I had washed, and was surprised it took more of the mixture than the last time I filled it. Of course it did, I forgot to put the part that attached to the twist up post in there before filling the tube! So I had to take it all back out and melt it again and clean wipe out the tube a bit so it wouldn't be so messy and put it back together so I could re-fill it again! Geez Louise!

Well, I have my deodorant, so that's good. But it took at least twice as long as it should have done. And I only did the one batch, although I had planned to do another for another FO. But after that, I figured I should not do anything else the rest of the day.

That didn't last long, though because I had to perform nursing duties for my husband. But that is another story and non-soap related.
My batches are a lot smaller. Guess Im always afraid if I screw one up, id rather lose 46 ounces of oil than 100. Are those your fragrance oils on the left?

:oops: some of them .... the white ones are the new NG (22) and under that shelf about group of 18 from NG I just got in yesterday.
The Green caps are from Gemlite (20) which I wish I had not bought but some are ok. There are more under that shelf too that are from years ago (18 - 20) but still smell good so I tested most of them but a lot are Bakery scents. Which are not my Fav but will try them.

OMG, that makes me a FO HO !!! :eek:
:oops: some of them .... the white ones are the new NG (22) and under that shelf about group of 18 from NG I just got in yesterday.
The Green caps are from Gemlite (20) which I wish I had not bought but some are ok. There are more under that shelf too that are from years ago (18 - 20) but still smell good so I tested most of them but a lot are Bakery scents. Which are not my Fav but will try them.

OMG, that makes me a FO HO !!! :eek:
Labeling 4 Tiger-Striped Soaps, earlier labeled 20, 100% Castile soaps, made 8 bottles of 2.5 oz Warmth Massage Oil Mineral & Jojoba Oil with Vitamin E 'Poppy Coach Type' Lebermuth fragrance and labeled them. It's only 2 pm. I suppose I'll go for trying to make some natural beeswax & shea butter lip balms tonight if I can find a recipe to follow. I have 15 flavors, and lots of plastic tubes. Going to need more 2.5 oz bottles.
Worked on more of the components for the mythical challenge soap. Daughter vetoed my choice of rootbeer FO and selected pineapple cilantro instead. She is an odd child sometimes. If hubby remembers to pick up my pvc pipe, I should be able to finish the components for my soap tonight and do the actual pour Friday evening. I made a list of all the FO's I think would work well in a beer soap and will start making those this weekend, I would like to have more of a selection for men and they seem to gravitate towards the beer soaps. I have my next soap of the month planned out and will get that done this weekend too.
I put in a Candora order this morning. I have some time to spare while waiting to take my husband to the hospital for day surgery and spent the time shopping. Side note.. why is every supplier I've gone to out of water soluble Titanium Dioxide?
Last night I re-did Labels, broke down and bought some Avery labels so I can put scent and oz/gr on the soaps instead of hand writing.
Today I got the boxes set with what I am taking to the FM on Sat.
tonight I will be fixing the labels that came off the salt bars. damn glue sticks !

@msunnerstood all my bars are 6oz or bigger, they usually run about 6.75 oz but I label for 6oz to be on the safe side. I like big bars too !
Men seem to like smaller, hand size bars in my experience. Me, I like a big shower size bar.

My husband likes bigger bars too, or round ones. But, my husband has big hands so that might be why. I rarely make round bars, but when I do it seems to be the guys that like them more than women. The guys also seem to like a smaller length and width if it is thicker. I have trouble handling large bars - like frosted high top bars! - but I have small palms with long fingers (my sisters jokingly say that I have alien hands).

I did not do anything soapy yesterday. I got home, finished my monthly newsletter and send that out. Packed the tote for tonight's market. Hubby forgot to pick up my pvc pipe, so couldn't work on my challenge soap. I did spend about an hour researching soleseife. I made one attempt in late 2016 and used way too much salt. I had done some research right after my failure but never finished it, so I pulled out my old notes and finished the research on the questions I had written down, and created a One Note for the research. (Hubby is trying to get me to get rid of all these random scraps of paper I have everywhere.) I made a recipe based on my research (although now I'm questioning my superfat so I may tweak it further before I do it) and have added that to my weekend to do list.

I am leaving work tomorrow at noon, so I have a 2 hour window before I have to leave to pick up my son from music camp. I am debating if I should squeeze in a beer soap, attempt the soleseife, or maybe mess with a mango puree soap. There was another thread in the forum that talked about a mango soleseife, and I remembered I have a mango in my fridge. I've never used mango so now I am curious to try it in soap, although I'll stick with a regular soap and not the soleseife. I have a lovely mango-papaya FO that I have been wanting to use, so this might be a good use for both the lonely mango in the fridge and the FO. Or maybe I'll just take a nap with my 2 hour window.

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