What soapy thing have you done today?

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I did seemingly endlass soap dishes. The upside is, i think I finally found the recipe I want to stick with. When I was washing the dishes I lathered up with some of the soap scraps and enjoyed the lather so much I nagged my husband and son until they came to the sink and washed their hands. Good thing they already know Im nuts.
I make hot process and while the soap is safe after you make it, its not a long lasting, stable bar unless you let it cure.
Yep that's true but it is sellable, and my customers appreciate the fact that it is a fresh made bar. By now most of my customers know that the fresher it is the softer is or a lot of them ship it by the time it gets where they're going the hot process soap has been cured already... Hot process soap is safe to use the next day safe to use right out of the pot no cure needed except to further the water evaporation and bring down the pH level a small amount which might make it better for people with sensitive skin. But for the sulfur soap cold process soap is the way to go as it Blends together better
Sorry, but even HP needs 6 weeks . Shoot even mine needed 8 as they were still slightly soft due to the water, and I discounted !
I have never had an issue with any of my hot process soaps being too soft they are usually fairly hard the next day and you do not need to cure hot process soap you can use it right out of the pot curing hot process soap allows it to harden and perhaps further bring down the pH level more than cooking already has which can make it better for people with sensitive skin
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You're making it today for a market tomorrow???

Yep that's right... If I have someone who orders a soap and needs it done quickly I will make a hot process soap for them... No cure time needed for hot process soap

Hot process soap does not need to cure before you can sell it or use it

I make hot process and while the soap is safe after you make it, its not a long lasting, stable bar unless you let it cure.
that is true it does not last as long and the foam may be as foamy or stable as a cured bar but it is usable and sellable right out of the pot if you were inclined
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Yep that's true but it is sellable, and my customers appreciate the fact that it is a fresh made bar. By now most of my customers know that the fresher it is the softer is or a lot of them ship it by the time it gets where they're going the hot process soap has been cured already... Hot process soap is safe to use the next day safe to use right out of the pot no cure needed except to further the water evaporation and bring down the pH level a small amount which might make it better for people with sensitive skin. But for the sulfur soap cold process soap is the way to go as it Blends together better

ABOVE here you say that it is softer so your reply to me about the softness, so you are kind of contradicting yourself here.
Below you say you never have an issue

I have never had an issue with any of my hot process soaps being soft they are usually hard the next day and you do not need to cure hot process soap you can use it right out of the pot curing hot process soap allows it to harden and perhaps further bring down the pH level more than cooking already has which can make it better for people with sensitive skin

I call Frog
ABOVE here you say that it is softer so your reply to me about the softness, so you are kind of contradicting yourself here.
Below you say you never have an issue

I call Frog
Wow! This group feels like a bunch of nitpickers... As any soaper knows a hot process soap is usable right out of the f****** pot... It is a softer bar but it is not so soft it cannot be used and it is not so soft it cannot be sold ...I don't understand what the problem is ..of course it is softer and not AS not hard if i cured it ...but it is not so soft it cannot be used what is the issue you are having with me here
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I would like to say I am sorry but I am not.

We are not "nitpickers' just want what is good for other people and to be safe.

SURE, you can use ANY soap right after you make it. Doesn't mean that you should.
I could try and swallow a sword too, but doesn't mean I should...

There have been trolls lately ( I usually just put them on ignore )and this just seems like it. Your 1st post was how you were going to make new soap for a market tomorrow.

Good luck, enjoy. Just glad you are not at my market........or maybe it would be fine since then I could educate customers on GOOD soap and the correct way of selling.
I think everyone agrees that hot process can be used right out of the pot. Really don’t even need to let it cool down and you’ll probly be fine. But... that being said if it cures for even 4 weeks there is some evaporation goes on, and some other stuff much more technical than evaporation, that I can’t explain, going on and it’s far superior than one day old. More lather, longer lasting, milder, and so on. If the person knows that it needs to be let cure then great.

My personal experience is a bar of soap I made that’s a week old lasts me a week. That same bar cured for 6-8 weeks will last me 3-4 weeks.
I had to HP my vanilla cinnanut scrub soap. Although not as bad as before, it had oil pools like my cinnamon scrub bars did. Different fragrances from different suppliers were used so I'm thinking it's the pumice? This batter never really seemed to fully emulsify, even after over 20 minutes of stick blending and hand stirring. Can pumice to the oils before the lye water affect trace? That's the only thing both recipes had in common.
Wow! This group feels like a bunch of nitpickers... As any soaper knows a hot process soap is usable right out of the f****** pot... It is a softer bar but it is not so soft it cannot be used and it is not so soft it cannot be sold ...I don't understand what the problem is ..of course it is softer and not AS not hard if i cured it ...but it is not so soft it cannot be used what is the issue you are having with me here
Really? because I thought I was helping out someone new to the forum, carry on.
Yes, yes it is! But i mean, its not even like i did anything other that pay for it, LOL.
Ive been trying to find the Crisco version that contains Palm but havent so far. I imagine I'll giggle like a school girl right in the middle of the isle when I find it, while my husband and kids scatter and pretend they dont know me.
I spent hours and hours redoing my craft room- packing up projects and hobbies I haven’t had time for lately and making the soaping stuff more organized and accessible.
My husband built me a big wire rack for supplies and curing soap. He sprayed it all with Plastidip so the soap wouldn’t come into contact with the metal- but it still made me nervous so I lined it with freezer paper before I put the curing soaps on it
I cleaned up the 4 batches I made two weeks ago. they look about a million times better. They were all so stinking ashy! I soaped much hotter than I normally do, I hope that’s what did it

I’m hoping to get ingredients all ready tomorrow morning while the wildlings are cruising around- so the minute I put them down for nap I can get soaping! There are only about 10 things I want to make in those two hours [emoji23]
Wow! This group feels like a bunch of nitpickers... As any soaper knows a hot process soap is usable right out of the f****** pot... It is a softer bar but it is not so soft it cannot be used and it is not so soft it cannot be sold ...I don't understand what the problem is ..of course it is softer and not AS not hard if i cured it ...but it is not so soft it cannot be used what is the issue you are having with me here
Nitpickers... we believe in selling quality which I am sorry to say, you are not and you are doing a dis-service to your customers. Which is the issue we have with sellers such as you. Call that nitpicking or whatever, up to you. More happens in the curing process other than water loss, so you need to really do some reading, it builds a sturdy crystalline structure, lowers a bit in ph, last twice as long and is less harsh. FYI cp is safe after full saponification which can be 8 hrs to 3 days.

I really would like it if you were in my market, I would get your business and maybe you would realize your mistakes and get an attitude change about making soap and selling. There was another soapmaker that did the same thing, she would remove soaps from the mold and sell them. She is now gone I am still there selling to her customers. They make comments of how surprised they are my soap does not melt away and last a long time. My cp soap does not zap the next day so technically it is no different from yours and ready to sell....not. Sellers like you hurt all of us that take pride in what we sell

Back to the original topic, I did not do a darn thing soapy today. Went with the hubby for a Harley ride. Forgot how much I miss going for rides
Not crazy about how the colors came out. Not bad for an in the mold hot process swirl but too much dark grey.


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