What soapy thing have you done today?

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Attempted a melt and pour base yesterday.. prob won't do that again..
Started some beef tallow in the crock pot and lard on the stove. Finishing it today. And get this. I get my fat for free from my local butcher. And well he seems to "suck" at trimming so I also get free stew meat. Once cleaned my beef fat yeilded me over 3 pounds of free beef.. and with the cost of beef at the moment I will gladly take it..

Well off to drain my stuff
I made dragons blood soap. I had a few bottles of samples and decided to give it a try. I hated this fragrance OOB but while it's in the mold it's surprisingly nice. Can't wait to cut in a couple days!

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My soapy thing today was a chai latte soap. Behaved beautifully and my first time using sodium lactate 3.5 % to 1250 and it's hardening already. Left uncovered to avoid gel. Looking beautiful :)
I made dragons blood soap. I had a few bottles of samples and decided to give it a try. I hated this fragrance OOB but while it's in the mold it's surprisingly nice. Can't wait to cut in a couple days!

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I bought some dragons blood fragrance oil yesterday and discovered I'm not a fan either - it smells very powdery and pastel to me... Glad to hear it might change :)
I bought some dragons blood fragrance oil yesterday and discovered I'm not a fan either - it smells very powdery and pastel to me... Glad to hear it might change :)
Pure Fragrance Oil sells one of the best Dragon's Blood FO's. I had my own made but theirs is comparable. It is one of my biggest selling soaps.
Made a new salt bar batch using indigo for the first time, and made a batch of my Coffee and Beer Morning soap.
I'm planning on using two sticks of butter in a soap, but I'm still planning out the recipe to make it conditioning. Winter is around the corner and I'm a fiend for warmth. Since I'm OO heavy, I got to execute my plan quickly!
Checked on 2 batches I created yesterday. Those need another day or so till I cut them up. Hopefully tomorrow I can cut up the latest batch of "Valley of the Gods", my favorite bar. I also was able to package 2 batches today. "Hippies and Oranges" and "Drum Circle" are now packaged and ready to go! Packaging is my least favorite part of the whole business. I like how they are, but it's too time consuming. I might switch over to the "Cigar Band" style, I get why it's so popular now!
Valley Of the Gods Slab


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Made a hop soap last night. This is my first attempt at formulating my own recipe. Coconut oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, shea butter and some beeswax. Lathers nicely. HP so I added the hops flowers right before molding. I can't tell quite yet if they held any of their hoppy aroma. Just an experiment since my husband is a brewer and he had a LOT of hops around that were less than fresh for brewing use. We'll see if it has that lovely, citrus note of hoppy fragrance in a few days.

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I finally bought my scale today. Slowly but surely getting all my supplies to begin my new hobby.
All I have left is to buy my stick blender. I've been watching many videos and reading lots of material. I can't wait to get started!
Still not sure if I'll do CP or HP for my first batch. I'm going to do the Lots of Lather recipe by the
Soap Queen. I really want to add fragrance but not sure which one would be the best to use since it will be my first batch.

Be absolutely sure you run that recipe through a good lye calculator for yourself.
Read this forum when I should be working on a paper and doing homework. When it comes to soap anything... I am so easily distracted. :Kitten Love: I have to get off of this and concentrate!!! Have fun soaping my friends!