As I am officially on a staycation vacation from now until July 21st... I updated my inventory lists and packed the items to go to the farmer's market tomorrow. On Tuesday everything that is left goes to the boutique for a month to see how we do there. I have compiled a list of soaps to restock, and soaps I want to make for fun.
I have to add a confetti soap to my fun list. My tub of shavings from beveling is almost 4lbs! I'm kind of debating if I want to try this as a loaf or as confetti cupcakes... oh, heck, I have enough to do both! And yes... I am still mustering up my courage to tackle soap cupcakes. Still have to do the salt bars for the boys too. And adding 100% coconut soap for laundry to the list too.
I tested out the Walmart soap I made as a demo for both of my soap classes. (GV shortening, coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil) I have to say that I had forgotten how hard and nice this soap is for a starting soap (I made it once when I first started soaping, probably my fourth or fifth soap batch, used it and never made it again).
Other than soap, my vacation has lots of fun things - playing in my garden, building the cucumber and bean trellis, making 10 1lb soap molds for the next soap class, planning said class, taking my daughter to camp, cooking dinner for VBS for a week, a few days of one on one time with the teenager (he's been a bit neglected lately), a weekend getaway with le fiancée, and just enjoying not being at work