Ya, clearly you are smarter than the rest of us, Tienne -- we see where avocado soap is taking you, lol! I might have to copycat, and see if it makes my own garden grow!
My parcels arrived yesterday, but because I had done something incredibly stupid with my websites I couldn't even open them until the evening when I had finally sorted things out. (I design, create and maintain websites - luckily this stupidity was with my own non-public sites. I do take more care with other people's sites!)
Today I am waiting for another parcel, possibly two, and then I am hoping to get on with my magic anti-ageing potion and marshmallow body cream - and maybe some soap too.
What a lovely story - and your daughter will remember that soap scent for the rest of her life. Scent memories are ingrained, it seems.Learned lots of lessons tonight. The best one: Walked away from a HP crock pot for less than two minutes, came back to "one hot mess!"
Best part of tonight and soap making ever: It was bed time and tuck in for my littles right as I had finished mixing and molding today's soap. As I was walking into my girls room, one of the girls says, "Mom I bet you smell like soap, come give me a hug." Of course I did. She takes a deep breath and exclaims, "You don't just smell like soap, you smell like finished soap!" She wouldn't let go. I guess she likes the scent I used tonight (Lavender, Rosemary, Patchouli).
I managed to give myself a sore throat by not paying close enough attention to where I set my first batch of lye while working on my second. Oops. :/
I did that once. Only once. lol Now I have a procedure, mix it at arm's length, with stove hood on, then immediately move it to the back of the stove, and start the next one. all mixed lye goes to the back of the stove, where it is safe from breathing, being bumped, etc. lol