What soapy thing have you done today?

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I washed a YUGE pile of soapy/bath bomb/lotion-making dishes. This was a build-up that had started the second week in December, when I had kicked into high gear for the Christmas Boutique. That was followed by a surprising amount of post-Christmas sales, plus a pile of work at my day job that still hasn't let up.

For those of you doing the math, yes, the buildup and subsequent procrastination dragged out for SIX WEEKS. It took an hour to wash everything! Everything is now air-drying on the laundry counter. Whew.

Given that the rest of my house is generally very clean and picked up 90% of the time, walking by the two big tubs of dishes in the laundry room every day for six weeks was not good for my mental health. 😁 It's probably time to destash some containers so I don't have the option to put myself through that again.
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@AliOop I have to carry my soapy dishes up a flight of stairs to wash them. I have always used a large bin to do this and could get all the things from three batches in there before I had to wash everything. Since I broke my ankle and definitely still need to hold the rail on the stairs, I have had to use a much smaller bin and wash up after every batch. It does keep me more disciplined and I like only having to spend a fraction of the time washing up. But it is so hard to think about getting rid of all my great excess crap necessary soap containers and tools. I really am trying to go through and downsize some stuff though, so I should really give this some consideration. I can’t believe some of the things I save.
Me too,@ AliOop! After my last batch of Christmas soap I switched over to B&B makes, left the soaping dishes on my outside shelves and pretty much forgot about them. When I got things ready to soap again this week I realized I had to do the bad stuff before I could do the good stuff :)

But it is so hard to think about getting rid of all my great excess crap necessary soap containers and tools.

ETA: We cross posted, @dibbles, but I identify with the above so much. I try to comfort myself with the thought that some people collect fixer cars, those take up a whole garage! And cost much more money! But it doesn't help very much ....

You Twin Cities/nearby people should get together. When I lived in LA there were a few of us who would meet and just pile up all the FOs, tools, colorants, etc. we never/no longer used and see if anyone wanted them. It was so nice to get them out of the house and make them someone else's destash problem :)
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But it is so hard to think about getting rid of all my great excess crap necessary soap containers and tools. I really am trying to go through and downsize some stuff though, so I should really give this some consideration. I can’t believe some of the things I save.
Thank you for normalizing my life. 💜 😄

When I got things ready to soap again this week I realized I had to do the bad stuff before I could do the good stuff
Yes, exactly. Plus I really don't do well with clutter, and to me, unwashed dishes are clutter. Well, washed dishes are still clutter until I put them away. Hoping to do that tonight!
Yesterday actually. For my birthday, yeah it was my birthday, uh-huh, my children surprised me with several essential oils including ones I've not tried yet like ylin ylang, grapefruit, ginger, helichrysum. Also a whole new rabbit hole manuka honey! Am ready to play with my new toys.
This was supposed to have posted yesterday 😤 but happy belated birthday, Zing!

Mandarin mimosa by Just Scents. I used my color cards to help me with color matching. Then I realized they were Mardi Gras colors. Added silver and gold mica to the top. This time I will make sure to cut the bars correctly. I used neon colors as always.
This colors are fantastic!
Thank you for normalizing my life. 💜 😄

Yes, exactly. Plus I really don't do well with clutter, and to me, unwashed dishes are clutter. Well, washed dishes are still clutter until I put them away. Hoping to do that tonight!
You did inspire me to do a little cleaning also!
I cleaned up 2 shelves worth of fo samples, some colors and some other odd stuff😊so thank you!
And Happy Birthday @Zing !
You Twin Cities/nearby people should get together. When I lived in LA there were a few of us who would meet and just pile up all the FOs, tools, colorants, etc. we never/no longer used and see if anyone wanted them. It was so nice to get them out of the house and make them someone else's destash problem :)
That could be fun! I have found that I can get stuff gone very quickly by listing on my local Buy Nothing group. One person’s trash….
Thank you for normalizing my life. 💜 😄

Yes, exactly. Plus I really don't do well with clutter, and to me, unwashed dishes are clutter. Well, washed dishes are still clutter until I put them away. Hoping to do that tonight!
I've always said, when you are no longer part of this earth, that they are going to say, I remember her, she kept a clean house.
And, is that really what you want to be remembered for?
I think but am not positive that @Relle might have been poking some fun at me. But honestly she is right, that is probably something that at least one of my funeral-goers would say about me. Hopefully there would be more than just that! 😄
I think but am not positive that @Relle might have been poking some fun at me. But honestly she is right, that is probably something that at least one of my funeral-goers would say about me. Hopefully there would be more than just that! 😄
Your right, poking fun and as Kiwi said made lotsa soap. You get Aussie humour.
And, is that really what you want to be remembered for?
I guarantee you that's what I won't be remembered for, I can think of better things to do. Think I need a maid.
You can always gift it away so you can make more 😉
I must have the only friends and family in existence that don't want homemade soap 🤷🏼‍♀️
Even the few who also have skin sensitivities, because they have different issues so they don't want the ingredients I've already used (or the ones I don't have on-hand), or they want the chemical FOs that I don't buy because I can't use them, or they are stuck on using "only this certain product that I know works for my skin", even though it's nothing but chemicals. So, I'm stuck with all my creations 😆

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