What soapy thing have you done today?

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Today I went looking for treasure at my local thrift store. I was looking for stainless stock pots and other items I can use for soaping. I found an unused Yaley pouring container, an oven-safe glass Fire-King mixing bowl, a nice stainless spoon for pot stirring and a few items to use in my kitchen. All for $7 bucks, score! Bummed, no pots today...think I'm going to have to buy one. I didn't see stainless stamped on the pouring container and got home to see if it was cheap stainless or aluminum. Just my luck, it's aluminum. Oh well, will use it for other things.
Awsome finds Momsta!

I am so excited! I got into a craft show in an amazing location on the day before my birthday! I'm so excited! I'm really really glad I've been building stock up!! :D

It is in the middle of downtown and the event is on a Friday evening! It was only $25 and I don't think there are other soapers. I'm SUPER psyched!
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B, Loving the pun!! Thanks, I sure hope so. This weekend is going to be almost exclusively dedicated to getting ready now! Gotta package/label it ALL. At least I have my booth decor ready!

Its going to be a great b-day present b/c my birthday is Saturday and the show is Friday!
Prepared my oils, Lye water, & heavy cream buttermilk carrot puree for another go round of my Bastille Carrot Buttermilk soap, this time I'll put it in my freezer. I'm trying to make a soap for my dad...well months down the road anyway...might have to make a batch without the carrots next.
I woke up with a horrible headache and wanted to stay in bed and cancel my 4 mile run this morning, until I remembered I had a loaf of soap in the oven!
Poured myself a cup of ambition, and got the soap out of the mold and cut, and now I'm headed out to take the kids to my mom's so I can run.
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ETA: NG's Cucumber Melon type. Still struggling with those swirls, but my leftover round guest soap turned out lovely with ITP with leftover batter...
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Made my 2nd batch of Bastille Carrot Buttermilk Soap, this time I placed it in my freezer to prevent gelling...now to figure out how long will it need to be left in the freezer.
Skayc, ment to mention earlier that there is another thread going about high butterfat giving the soap a little bit of a cheesy smell. I had that w/my full cream soap, too. Keep an eye on it as it cures and see if it happens, just a heads up ...
So far the first one I made doesn't have a strong odor. Wouldn't a cheesy smell fade during the long cure time? I've always put 5% heavy cream in my soaps..these have the added buttermilk powder.
It is weird, people have different reactions, it must be due to our different sniffers/scent receptors. I only noticed it in the soap I made w/full cream using the cream as half of the water/split method (so quite a lot of butterfat.) I don't know if it will cure out, it has been a couple of months now and is still there although v. faint. Here's the thread if you want to check it out: http://www.soapmakingforum.com/showthread.php?t=55281

You are not using that much, though, it will probably be fine and creamy!
I didn't use full cream...I mixed my lye into water & added the carrot puree, buttermilk powder, & heavy cream mixture in after trace, as additives.
Ooh! That reminds me that I have salt bars downstairs that are at least 2 months old by now. I might need to try one.

I was feeling surprisingly frisky after my run, so I melted some oils and fats on the range top using residual heat from the oven at lunch. I made a loaf of NG's Aphrodisiac and tried something different with the colors. I can't wait to cut into it tomorrow! It smells wonderful, and I used turquoise, sea green, and a little batter un-colored.
made myself a hanger tool- maybe sometime in the future I'll make a butterfly swirl, in the meantime I'll be trying something different...i might even think of saying a 'hidden taiwan' swirl...gotta wait till monday for my next soaping venture...in the meantime here I go off to clean my soaping dishes from this past monday...(I was out of town from tuesday till last night.
Wednesday I measured out oils for two batches--a regular veg batch using palm instead of butters, and a coconut/avo blend for salt bars. Yesterday I made the veg soap using WSP's snickerdoodle scent. I finally got soap to gel deliberately (though I don't know if it's a full or partial, I checked it after a few hours and saw the gel starting to form, but didn't check it later). Between the spicy FO, all of the dairy powders, and the heating pad, that finally did it... lol
Bren, you are one of those hard body scary-fit people, aren't you? I am a thin and yet totally unfit one, I can't imagine doing a four mile run on the best of days, let alone when I am not feeling like it (which is pretty much always), I always think of another soap related thing to do instead :)
Oh no, Not Ally. Not me. I'm one of those that started running to lose weight after my kids, and started to like it. I've only been running 3 years or so, but lost 40 lbs, got off of some meds, and last year ran a half marathon to earn that 13.1 sticker on my Mini. This year, I registered for another as a farewell to my 30's, and it's in September so I have to train. My mom watches my kids on Friday mornings so I can get a run in, and I hate to leave someone hanging. I usually feel better afterwards. Maybe only because my legs hurt at this point, and I forget my headache...
You are kind of an inspiration, really, espec. w/r/t getting off of meds. I know that exercise is magical in a lot of ways, it is just so hard to do. Good for you, Bren, really.

I say this as I go off to eat dinner from fridge scraps standing up (too easy to be lazy when you live alone) and create a food baby, v. attractive.

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