Oh, soap peeps, I gotta soapy story today! My neice is in Navy boot camp and weeks ago she asked for a lotion bar which I sent. She said her division mates were intrigued and excited and did I have an Instathingy? So then I mailed her 2 dozen lotion bars and 1 dozen lip balms to share. So evidenly now she is big girl on campus. Every recipient wrote me a thank you! Yes, can you believe it, written, paper thank you notes from 20-somethings that came through this thing called U.S. Postal Service! They all called the lotion bars "lotion." Some favorites are "Sir Zing," and "Mr. Zing" "I miss smelling clean, boot camp is stinky" "I need your Etsy/Instagram." LOL -- and also all the feels, I got verklempt -- talk amongst yourselves!
And so off-topic but I'm so dang proud of her! She had been so content living in her mother's basement playing videogames 24/7 and I feared there was no way she'd survive 2 minutes without her phone. She is excelling and thriving. The young woman who never responded to my texts and emails now writes paper letters to us all the time!