I cleaned my kitchen today ...I know that doesn't seem like a soapy thing, but it definitely was because I usually have to clear my kitchen, or at least a space of my soapy stuff to be able to actually cook in it these days. I mean it was clean...just soapy supplies everywhere. I have an insurance inspection coming up on Thursday, so I had to clean and make my kitchen look like a kitchen again. Its like
"aaahhhh". I really need to get my other room finished so that I can at least store and organize my ever growing pile of supplies. Needless to say, I will not be making soap until at least Thursday night.
The better part of my last couple of hours was spent trying to find soap label templates for cigar bands. I found Petals Bath Boutique as suggested on an inquiry I made here last year. I like the labels, but formatting them to my needs is hard for me because I am using a mac computer...on a windows computer, which I am much more experienced, it would have been done by now LOL. And I don't know if it is a mac vs windows computer conversion problem, but the original formatting of the label is weird. Like when you print out her original version, the grid lines show up all over the place, and its hard to select them in order to hide them. I will figure it out. I managed to do the top label of the template, so I will probably just get that one done and make my own template out of that.
I know I would get a better response by posting a question as its own thread, but I figured I'd ask since I'm talking about it...What weight paper do you use to print cigar band labels for your soaps? I have card stock, but I think thats too heavy, and I think copy paper is too light.
@AliOop I printed out the template for online labels, they seem too big. But thanks anyway lol. I wish I could send this template to them ...."please make labels like this". I didn't find anything there like these ones.
Listening to Tool, wishing I was in Philly for the concert Sunday night (tonight). I was supposed to be there
