My previous soapy thing this weekend was stopping in a thrift store, just to have a look.

After picking up some nice glass pieces and a mini-crock pot for $2 (perfect for melting syndet ingredients), and finding some pants for the ever-sprouting grandsons, I wandered back to the furniture area. I recently learned about restoring leather finishes, and this place had high-quality leather couches for $25 - $55. All they need about $50 worth of leather restoring/repairing stain to look amazing. However, I resisted until I finish my current leather project ( the driver's seat in our truck).
And that rabbit trail through the furniture section brought me to a folding craft table in great shape --
FOR $20! I'd been eyeing these new for about $350 and hoping to find a used one someday. This one has some wear and tear but is completely functional. It is now in my office/crafting room, allowing me to craft somewhere other than the kitchen counters and all the issues that come with that.