Here is my spoon swirl. I am so happy that
@JoyfulSudz posted her soaps and the video. I love the swirl and it was so easy to do with impressive results. I will be making soap like this often.
Little funny story: I forgot to turn off the oven when it cpop'd. It sat for 9 hours in a 170 degree oven. When I realized it when I woke up today I figured it was ruined. But it seems to be fine. It popped out of the mold easily and it cut divinely LOL. I think it is fine. That's the first time I ever did that.
This was the first time I used CC Black Raspberry Vanilla (as opposed to NS which is what I usually use). I woke up and the whole house smelled like wonderful fragrance. I'm like "ooooooo....this brand is a keeper". Yeah no, it's because it's been baking in the oven all night LOL.
I even double dutied the oven process by putting my cast iron skillet in there after I scrubbed it out to dry off, so it probably got even hotter than 170.
I'm pretty sure it gelled well LOL
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