What soapy thing have you done today?

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Made these yesterday and I am very happy with how they turned out. I blended a bunch of FOs. I wanted to use Jamaica Me Crazy on its own but it fades so I mixed in some Coconut Lemongrass, Coconut Cream and a little Pineapple Cilantro with it. I’m calling it Hawaiian Breeze. It smells great.
Micas & More also has FO's but I don't recommend them for soap - they tend to develop DOS for me.
Uh oh! My new FOs from Micas & More are on their way! Are there specific scents that have caused DOS? Have others found that too? I've used a few FOs from them and have been very happy so far (except for their pear FO, which accelerates and, according to my kids, smells like Play-Doh.)
I get most of my micas from Nurture Soap or Mad Micas, or a third supplier called Micas and More. They are the most reliable I have seen. These days, I get all my fragrances from Nurture Soap, Nature's Garden or BeScented. I like that they test all their fragrances in soap and post their testing results. But I have bought from almost every supplier that you can name, some I liked and some I didn't, the problem mostly is that they are sometimes good but often unreliable.
I've been soaping for about a year but recently I feel like I am taking backwards steps instead of progressing. I mainly follow recipes from what I think are reputable sources and stick with the ones that have worked. My most recent batches have either come to trace really fast or have not held fragrance (that I hve also used in the past) well. I am experimenting with color, too, with varying results.

So I'm discouraged a bit. Looking to new recipes. I found one on BB that the author insists she uses all the time with great results. It calls for small amts of hemp seed oil and wheat germ oil. I read on this forum that WGO is caustic. Also, the recipe calls for 16 oz of olive oil, which I find heavy. Can I substitute 8 oz of canola for half the olive oil? I am afraid of experimenting too far afield. The more I read and soap, the less I know, it seems.....
I've been soaping for about a year but recently I feel like I am taking backwards steps instead of progressing. I mainly follow recipes from what I think are reputable sources and stick with the ones that have worked. My most recent batches have either come to trace really fast or have not held fragrance (that I hve also used in the past) well. I am experimenting with color, too, with varying results.

So I'm discouraged a bit. Looking to new recipes. I found one on BB that the author insists she uses all the time with great results. It calls for small amts of hemp seed oil and wheat germ oil. I read on this forum that WGO is caustic. Also, the recipe calls for 16 oz of olive oil, which I find heavy. Can I substitute 8 oz of canola for half the olive oil? I am afraid of experimenting too far afield. The more I read and soap, the less I know, it seems.....
Ugh - I've had those phases in soaping and it can be oh so frustrating.
In short, you can substitute whatever oil you like as long as you recalculate the recipe on a soap calculator. Unlike a cooking recipe, you'll still get the intended end result of soap. :) I don't know what size batches you are using for your recipe tests, but I find small batches to be less stressful as far as "wasting" product. I also found that after about a year, I had learned enough to make my own recipes, and that ended one such phase. Perhaps you too are at that point - or close? Keep going, take notes, learn from each batch! You can do it, really.
I've been soaping for about a year but recently I feel like I am taking backwards steps instead of progressing. I mainly follow recipes from what I think are reputable sources and stick with the ones that have worked. My most recent batches have either come to trace really fast or have not held fragrance (that I hve also used in the past) well. I am experimenting with color, too, with varying results.

So I'm discouraged a bit. Looking to new recipes. I found one on BB that the author insists she uses all the time with great results. It calls for small amts of hemp seed oil and wheat germ oil. I read on this forum that WGO is caustic. Also, the recipe calls for 16 oz of olive oil, which I find heavy. Can I substitute 8 oz of canola for half the olive oil? I am afraid of experimenting too far afield. The more I read and soap, the less I know, it seems.....
I wouldn't substitute 8 ounces of canola for the olive oil. Canola oil is high in Linoleic and Linolenic fatty acids, both of which can lead to DOS (dreaded orange spots, rancidity). Although 16 ounces of olive oil can be a lot or not, since I don't know the total batch size you are making. My biggest suggestion is to make small batches of 1-2 pounds until you have mastered your recipe. I also highly suggest you learn how to make your own, start at soapcalc.net and just plug in different amounts of the oils/butters you have on hand and keep playing around until you find something you like - then give it a try. I made small batches for 3 years before I started making larger amounts. It is definitely less product to waste and also a lot more fun - because you can make soap more often. There are so many sites out there that give you recipes. Look on youtube for videos from Treemarie soapworks and I dream in soap. They are both good - and often share recipes.
Are there specific scents that have caused DOS?
So far for me: The Tonic, OMH, A Thousand Wishes (which I don't think she carries anymore) and Burst of Energy. Although Burst of Energy was weird, so I'm open to it not being an issue with the FO. For that soap the only part that developed DOS was the top of the soap at about 3 weeks cure, I planed off about 3mm and so far no more DOS has shown up (soap was made end of November). My last batch of OMH developed DOS at 5 weeks cure - that one I'm sure was the FO as I made two other batches from the same MB oil bucket and the only change was the FO. It was the final straw for me with M&M FO's, I'll use up what I have in B&B and wax melts. I don't think she does enough testing as I have also had a few that did not hold scent in CP and she only removed them from her product offering after enough people complained. I do love her colors though, and the prices are really reasonable - plus she has fast turnaround time for shipping.
So far for me: The Tonic, OMH, A Thousand Wishes (which I don't think she carries anymore) and Burst of Energy. Although Burst of Energy was weird, so I'm open to it not being an issue with the FO. For that soap the only part that developed DOS was the top of the soap at about 3 weeks cure, I planed off about 3mm and so far no more DOS has shown up (soap was made end of November). My last batch of OMH developed DOS at 5 weeks cure - that one I'm sure was the FO as I made two other batches from the same MB oil bucket and the only change was the FO. It was the final straw for me with M&M FO's, I'll use up what I have in B&B and wax melts. I don't think she does enough testing as I have also had a few that did not hold scent in CP and she only removed them from her product offering after enough people complained. I do love her colors though, and the prices are really reasonable - plus she has fast turnaround time for shipping.
So, I got the BB (BrambleBerry), but what is the M&M?
Just finished with my challenge soap. It's a Fah-ncy Soap! Fun but stressful at the same time. I like the scent, 50/50 rosemary/bergamot with a titch of cedarwood. Was surprised that a "yellow" mica was actually orange which was not part of the vision. But still fun to try new things.

Did your yellow morph back to yellow or did it stay orange? Was just thinking about that. Inquiring minds want to know. Lol.
I 50/50 masterbatched the remainder of the lye I have on hand (just under 2,000 grams). I’m going to force myself to not buy more until I’ve spent time developing shampoo bars and redoing my website.

The next two months are going to be crazy anyway as Ill be completing a project management certification program I’ve been working towards. This last stretch is going to require almost 100% of my attention. 😭

Not having lye will help keep me focused because sometimes I think I use making soap as a way to avoid other things. 😂
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Did your yellow morph back to yellow or did it stay orange? Was just thinking about that. Inquiring minds want to know. Lol.
Patience, grasshopper, wait til I post my entry photo!! Actually, it morphed back to yellow. What an experience. Usually micas for me are what you see is what you get, but not in this case. I should have left well enough alone but I kept adding TD and another yellow. My vision was for a dark yellow (a different mica) and light yellow (the morphy orange)-- but my tweaking created just really one yellow instead. Oh well, live and learn.
I poured leftovers in single molds which never gell -- and it stayed orange, like really orange. The most definite contrast between gelled and non-gelled I've ever had.
Made CPLS paste today - 100% CO with -2%SF. This will not be diluted, but used as a paste for cleaning. It's not yet fully saponified, but I tried a smidge of it on my glass stovetop. Amazing grease cutter - the glass looks brand new! Thank you @cmzaha for recommending the paste, and @linne1gi for suggesting the cold process method. I'd only made LS via hot process, and this was so much easier and less stressful. I may actually start making LS more often now that I don't have to watch it cook!

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