Thank you, Craig! That's a great thing to think about. I've been making soap for several months now and gotten good reviews from everyone who's tried it, and yes, by the time my company opens, I'll some one-year-old soap (or very close). So why do you want to have one-year-old soap?
Because regardless of how long someone has been making soap (or even running a soaping company) you need to know each product and how it lasts/holds up over time.
So lets say that I have been making soap for a little over a year now. If I then make a totally new recipe tomorrow, I can't be totally sure what it will be like in 2, 3, 6, 12 months and so on. It might be very prone to DOS, or the additive might be too big and turn mouldy. In other words, how would you feel if you made a new recipe, sold all but one bar and then saw 2 months later that your bar had gone bad? Knowing that there might well be more out there sitting with customers who had a nice mouldy/rancid bar of soap?
By the way, would you mind sharing what soap mold you use?
I use some home made ones - left over wood, so far from ideal, but work well enough for now.
I'm putting together plans to make some like the high cap moulds, with two cutters - one to turn the large block in to loaves, one to cut the loaves in to bars.
One thing with those 18" moulds is that, if you want to prevent gel or cpop, you might struggle to fit it in.