What Numbers Do you Follow in your Recipe Calculation

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2015
Reaction score
Hudson Vally NY
Do you follow the Hardness , CLeansing , Bubble, lather , etc

I personally try to break even. 8 years and I am still using this same method.

what is your Rhythm ? explain Why?
Cleansing and creamy for me! I have dry skin and anything over 10 cleansing is really drying to me! I love a creamy lather so I try to get that up there! Of course, there are exceptions so I don't follow them as the be-all and end-all.
Do you follow the Hardness , CLeansing , Bubble, lather , etc

I personally try to break even. 8 years and I am still using this same method.

what is your Rhythm ? explain Why?

I most certainly do NOT want my numbers to be the same. The same cleansing as conditioning and bubbles? No thanks!

I look at the ingredients first and plug that in and the numbers should be pretty much there where I want - cleansing at 15 or less with high bubbles, conditioning and hardness
Derived Durability, Hardness, Cleansing, Conditioning, Creamy, and Bubbly, in that order. Usually. Derived durability is from Hardness minus Cleansing. and I'll choose a more durable soap over a harder one if given the choice (so I'll drop cleansing a lot if hardness is lower on the scale).
Gee whiz. I've been up near the 20' with cleansing. You guys/girls are much lower. Need a rethink I think. Thanks.
My last tallow was 19 in cleansing, and its wonderful...Ive gone much higher as well...but different strokes for different folks.
Most of my regular recipes have cleansing hovering around 14. I pay attention to that property and to the sum of Linoleic and Linolenic fatty acids since I like to use oils like Hemp. Most of my other properties are in range though. I guess it's because my regular recipes are just deviations from the trinity.
I tend to be low cleansing--0 to 10--but if higher cleansing soaps work for you, great! I find them a little stripping, but tend toward dry skin.

The exception is the shampoo bar I use after being out in the garden. It has a very high cleansing to cut through grease, dirt, mud, bits of stuff, and so on. Plus my Gardener's Hand Soap, with a cleansing near 30.
I look at my conditioning and creamy. My customers here in AZ like the creaminess of my bars. So I have found a solid "go to" recipe. :)
I take a look at:
Durability (= Hardness - Cleansing), 25 is my minimum value here
Cleansing (not more than 14 on soapcalc usually)
Conditioning (not less than 55 or else I up my superfat accordingly)
I don't really play much with Bubbly/Creamy value since I always add 5% castor and additional bubble boosters anyway :)
Yes i keep my hardness up high too :) it a OCD of mine the hardness number has to be high. I fine my self including 1 percent stearic in all my recipes. :) just started using SL too

How high do you go i have gone to 49 then get nervous of brittle soap

Derived Durability, Hardness, Cleansing, Conditioning, Creamy, and Bubbly, in that order. Usually. Derived durability is from Hardness minus Cleansing. and I'll choose a more durable soap over a harder one if given the choice (so I'll drop cleansing a lot if hardness is lower on the scale).

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